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Volunteers Needed! 05/20/23 Cali Kid Regional Frag Swap


Vice President
2023 Cali Kid Regional Frag Swap
A New Design (4).jpg

We will have our second open/regional swap (where both BAR members and nonmembers are welcome) at Cali Kid Corals! For those of you newer to BAR, we used to do one of these every year and they can be a fun way to meet new people and share the magic of the frag swap with the larger reefing community. They fantastic for spreading the word about the club. We are excited to be able to start doing them again!

The 2022 swap was such a success that @Cbruno80 wanted to make sure we did it again. As we did last year, BAR will run the swap part and Cali Kid will run everything else, including some pretty amazing raffles they have planned.

*This event is open to all and is family friendly, so feel free to bring your little ones and significant others.

Volunteers are needed! Please sign up (TBD).

Location: Cali Kid Corals
5416 Ygnacio Valley Rd Ste 50, Concord, CA 94521
Date: Saturday May 20, 2023
Note: There is plenty of parking around the location.

1. Bring a minimum of 3 separate coral frags, none from the "banned" list, and properly contained (see below).
2. Check in before 12pm, if you come after we will check you in but may have lost a picking round, and it makes it more hectic for us.

10:30am-11:30am Setup
11:00am-12:00pm Registration and running corals to tables
12:00pm-3:30pm Coral swapping!
3:30pm-4:00pm Raffle
Cleanup to follow.

Raffle Prizes/value

4x2x8 frag tank
24 gallon Aquatop complete setup
Quality Marine captive bred purple tang
Sicce Sub zero pump
Kessil light
Colorado Sunburst Anemone
$500 Cali Kid gift card
$100 Cali Kid gift card

How does it work?

For those who have swapped before, it is largely unchanged. Everyone gets a picking letter when they check in, and each picking letter group gets a turn to pick a coral (one group at a time), going back and forth along the alphabet until the corals are gone. Bonus/ultra coral and rounds are fun, but harder to have folks unfamiliar with the process and the short notice of this event, so only regular rounds this time.

This post is older but a good intro to how swaps work for those of you who haven’t been to one yet (some details have changed):

How does a BAR Frag Swap Work? https://www.bareefers.org/forum/threads/how-does-a-bar-frag-swap-work.17917/

What if I don't have frags to swap?

Cali Kid will provide frag packs at the door for $30.

Valid frags
  • 3 frags is the minimum. There is no maximum number so feel free to bring a bunch if you want to.
  • Corals MUST be in clear plastic containers, that includes lids and sides, so no styrofoam or plastic bags.
  • Corals MUST be labeled with at the very least a description (e.g. common name/species and/or color + coral type) and your username. The approximate lighting level they are under can be helpful.

These corals are not eligible for swapping, but can be brought for the freebie table:


Further frag notes:

  • Corals should be healthy and pest free. While we should assume everything could have hidden pests, if your frag plug has Aiptasia or signs of pests it will not be accepted.
  • Frag sizes will vary, but give a size of frag that you would be happy to receive.
  • There's always a debate about mounted versus unmounted corals, but there no requirement either way.
  • Things like anemones are ok if they're of a desirable nature i.e. bubble tips, maxi-mini carpets, rock flower, etc.
  • Sponges and macroalgae don’t count as frags, but can be brought for the freebie table.
  • Dangerous corals such as "Captain Jerk" playthoa are discouraged and must have a written warning if brought to the swap.
If you want to check out what last year's event looked like, check out this great slideshow from @Daboys2007 :
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Looking for volunteers to help with our upcoming Frag Swap on 9/18 at Cali Kid Corals in Concord. As mentioned in the post about the swap, BAR will be running the actual swap part and Cali Kid will be running everything else, including tables/chairs/venue/food/drinks/kid’s activities/store. Volunteers will also get store credit!

Positions we need help with (I will edit as we get volunteers):

Setup (4) 10:30-11:30 - Setting up the tables, chairs, canopies, and all the BAR stuff. Includes various things like frag table signs, registration stuff, raffle stuff, BAR outreach table stuff, etc. Whatever is needed.

Registration (2) 11:00-12:00 - Greeting, name tags, picking letter assignments, verifying 3 corals brought or bought.

Coral runners (2) 11:00-12:00 - Checking coral labels/containers, sorting the corals by type, and placing on the swap tables.

Frag Swap patrol/round barker (2) 12:00-3:30 - Keep track of (and announcing) which lettered swap group is up, which is next, time for the round, and that people are following the picking rules.

Raffle coordinator (2) 11:00-2:00ish - Organize display of the raffle items, sell raffle tickets, help people with questions, and run the raffle part around half way through the swapping rounds.

Photographer (1) 12:00-3:30 - Take some pictures of the various aspects of the event and post on the site later. Does not require a special camera or special experience. Anyone with interest and at least a modern camera phone.

BAR Outreach (2) 11:30-3:30 - Since this is an open regional swap, many of the attendees won’t be BAR members. We will have a table set up with examples of the equipment people can borrow and other perks of membership, like we do at CFM. Help people understand BAR and sign up as guests or supporting members if they want to. DBTC offerings will be kept here as well.

Clean up (4) 3:30ish to end - Generally goes pretty quickly when multiple people are helping.

Organizer: @Darkxerox @Cbruno80
Setup (4): @WillU @Darkxerox @JVU @WillU
Registration (2): @DaddyHook @dswong01
Coral Runners (2): @Invictus @gmdcdvm
Frag Swap Patrol/Round Barkers (2): @Apon
Raffle Coordinators (2): Will be handled by CaliKid (thanks!)
Photographer (1): @GrumpyDave
BAR Outreach (2): @Srt4eric @Darkxerox
Clean up (4): @JVU @Darkxerox @GrumpyDave
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I don't think I'll be able to make this one. My son most likely has a basketball tournament that weekend.
For anyone who came to the last one anything you would like to see done differently?? We plan on tri-tip lunch and a nice raffle
Everything was pretty great! Might be cool to coordinate or have a deal with people coming to order dry goods or other things they plan on getting in the next month to keep the business local vs. buying online?

Just need folks to sign up to volunteer based on the post above: https://www.bareefers.org/forum/threads/05-20-23-cali-kid-regional-frag-swap.33877/post-484143