Reef nutrition

2025 Contest Discussion and Ideas

FYI, at the last BOD meeting, it was approved to continue to the photo contest. I'd rather give you all 12 chances to win something, verses only 4 chances if we did it quarterly. Also, my goal for next year will be to allocate some sponsored products to the prize collective as well. Stay tuned for that, because I will need to coordinate with sponsors and the BOD and how to best handle that.

Also... we need to get some eyes/hands ona significantly sized coral colony for next year's grow out contest. I know we haven't decided on a specific species or type, but be on the lookout and continue giving your suggestions. I'd like to see something that we can attempt to incorporate into the DBTC as well. Something exciting, easy to grow, and shared with the club!
FYI, at the last BOD meeting, it was approved to continue to the photo contest. I'd rather give you all 12 chances to win something, verses only 4 chances if we did it quarterly. Also, my goal for next year will be to allocate some sponsored products to the prize collective as well. Stay tuned for that, because I will need to coordinate with sponsors and the BOD and how to best handle that.

Also... we need to get some eyes/hands ona significantly sized coral colony for next year's grow out contest. I know we haven't decided on a specific species or type, but be on the lookout and continue giving your suggestions. I'd like to see something that we can attempt to incorporate into the DBTC as well. Something exciting, easy to grow, and shared with the club!
What about in addtion to only sps some type of leather coral. They hard as heck to kill, easily fragged. Also growth rates will be easy to judge.

This suggestion is more so if we do two at the same time again. I would have liked to see something other than the Dragon soul that would have more obvious growth.

No fancy lighting or equipment needed even the newest guy with a tank still cycling can join in on an even playing feild
How about a high end anemone propagation contest. Super easy to cut with scissors I think anyone can do it. See who has the most after 6 months.
Mix it up with CSB, Chicago, Super Nova, Inferno etc.....they can be spread around in DBTC after the contest is over.
Sounds cool but i know a few would would never own a nem
Micromussa lordhowensis is my vote. They grow pretty well and can you very easily can count the number of polyps they produce and color them up very differently Chalices are another good one that aren't hard to find a large piece of to cut and are easy to measure.

Zoanthids could be good as well.
I was of course joking about the mushrooms but hopefully something everyone could join in with and not be opposed to. Zoas could be cool if it was a type that was known not to lean towards being invasive.

For acans I would only worry about them being fragged properly by someone skilled with some time to heal. Doubt anyone would be oppsed to those at all.
Micromussa lordhowensis is my vote. They grow pretty well and can you very easily can count the number of polyps they produce and color them up very differently Chalices are another good one that aren't hard to find a large piece of to cut and are easy to measure.

Zoanthids could be good as well.
I second the coral formally known as acan lord. They seem to color up differently based on lights, could also possibly be a determining factor on who wins? Which has the nicest color? Or use color as a tie breaker?
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We could also allow donations for prizes? Frag packs, etc

Lords are pretty easy to frag and heal fast, and most people are ok with them (not invasive and look good). People with nippy fish might struggle though

There's some really fast-growing acros out there. Most morphs of A. carduus grow well and are very nice to look at, my cali cali is growing fast. Red planet, I think, also grows pretty well

My hammers are growing pretty fast. But probably expensive for the club to source
We could also allow donations for prizes? Frag packs, etc

Lords are pretty easy to frag and heal fast, and most people are ok with them (not invasive and look good). People with nippy fish might struggle though

There's some really fast-growing acros out there. Most morphs of A. carduus grow well and are very nice to look at, my cali cali is growing fast. Red planet, I think, also grows pretty well

My hammers are growing pretty fast. But probably expensive for the club to source
Hammers would be great but yeah I think it’d be too expensive to source for everyone that wants to participate
I have enough GMKs to do a contest of that one, I could sit it out and be a judge. I would still like to participate in another SPS one though!
That would honestly be intresting for a zoa grow out contest. Highly desired and definitely won't turn into a nightmare and over run things like some can.

My only real concern with getting random zoas.