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Recent content by Bruce Spiegelman

  1. Bruce Spiegelman

    What pests can make it through small micron material?

    Human children. They get into everything.
  2. Bruce Spiegelman

    Anyone know where I can buy a 4’x2’ sheet of black egg crate?

    Don't use white. I don't know the reason why white quickly develops cyano but it always has for me, and balck never has. BRS used to carry black and shipping is free.
  3. Bruce Spiegelman

    Robotic Glass Cleaner & More

    There was another company that tried one of these about 7-8 years ago that was a disaster as I recall.
  4. Bruce Spiegelman

    Frag swap Neptune's gift card winner

    We should have this on video.
  5. Bruce Spiegelman

    Cali Kid Coral Farm Tour (poll)

    No. It's their grow out facility.
  6. Bruce Spiegelman

    Coral Hub U.S. List

    Calikid has them in the East Bay.
  7. Bruce Spiegelman

    Coral Hub U.S. List

    He's in the Woodlands. Not too far.
  8. Bruce Spiegelman

    Coral Hub U.S. List

    I use his Amino's and Phyto. His copepods ae a bargain. Tons of good size ones (they breed like little water wabbits) with no dead one's I've seen.
  9. Bruce Spiegelman


    Hah. I'm thinking about writing it.
  10. Bruce Spiegelman

    Need help with raising Magnesium

    What issues is your tank or coral experiencing with Mag of 1100?
  11. Bruce Spiegelman

    Happy Carpets!

    It's a good point.
  12. Bruce Spiegelman

    Happy Carpets!

    I'm sure it would especially in a deeper substrate, but they do have delicate feet. This is a good discussion.
  13. Bruce Spiegelman

    Happy Carpets!

    I understand that but Nems in general often don't show distress for many months once a "slide" starts" and they are unhappy. Certainly not saying that's the case here, but they can be delicate and keeping them in optimal conditions prior to a move to a new tank would make sense if it's easy...
  14. Bruce Spiegelman

    Happy Carpets!

    Robert -- curious about the3 decision for substrate. Most Haddoni keepers use a finer sand of at least 4-5" depth for their carpets.