Neptune Aquatics

Recent content by Gablami

  1. G

    May need to restart tank; how big of a holding tank/QT is needed?

    Why don’t you just take out all the acros and let the acro eating bugs die off for a few months? Seems a lot easier. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. G

    Replacing GFO

    Check out the avast marine spyglass reactor. I have a mini. Love it for GFO. Best thing about it is it doesn’t clog over time, so you don’t need to continually adjust the inflow to keep it tumbling. Second best thing about it is you don’t have to take down the whole assembly to add more GFO. If...
  3. G

    425XL - Version 2

    Or you could reinforce the crawlspace. If you’re even a bit handy, not hard to do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. G

    Dry or live rocks or rubble

    I’ve got some. Will PM you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. G

    Rostatos Reefer 450 and Reefer 170

    How many inches do you have on the right side? I have about 3.5” and I have a panel of egg crate with electronics on it. You’ll have to drill a hole or a couple holes on the side of the stand to route cables. I’ve done that on the back of a Reefer stand and placed bulkheads to keep moisture...
  6. G

    Raising nutrients

    As others have stated, you can either add more nutrients through food, aminos, dosing; or you can pull out less nutrients, by skimmer less, turning down your fuge lighting period, not running GFO, reducing water change frequency, etc. Within those two approaches, I go with feeding more, turning...
  7. G

    Thoughts on approaching cyano bloom

    I’ve had some pretty bad cyano, especially with new tanks. I don’t change anything and they have all gone away with time. I agree, would be good to bump phosphates. Wouldn’t want cyano to turn into dinos. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. G

    Water changes

    I like this idea. It’s similar to what I’m proposing, just not in the sump. It requires two ball valves to open and close, as opposed to one in the sump. The sump requires a bulkhead. Overall I think the simplicity of design and effort required are similar. Is one safer than the other? Perhaps...
  9. G

    Water changes

    Sorry, ball valve. Just to answer some thoughts, the larger the water change the more it needs to be easy. For some, starting a siphon may not be a big deal. I think it would be nice to not have to do that and deal with additional tubing and cleanup. I did consider the idea of draining off the...
  10. G

    Water changes

    Thinking about it more, I think I’m going to do it. Drill a bulkhead low-ish, probably in the skimmer compartment, maybe just above water level. Install a gate valve inside the bulkhead where I can easily access it. I can put an elbow on the end if I want draining water level to be higher. 1...
  11. G

    Water changes

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but you don’t need to turn off any pumps. You just add water and let the extra overflow into the drain. Sorry yes I misunderstood. Yes, need to plug or remember to have valve closed. Or just have the bulkhead high. Or install check valves. Sent from my iPhone using...
  12. G

    Water changes

    Hmm, I like this idea. Currently I’ve installed a drain, but I was originally planning on connecting it to my manifold with a ball valve. An overflow system seems even easier. So I’m imagining a bulkhead in the sump, maybe on the back of the return section, above the ATO sensor obviously. I...
  13. G

    Julius' CDA 150 Build

    I bought from here multiple times. It might help you keep your CBB alive to transition to frozen. AC would buy from them and kept some in the fridge they would sell by the ounce. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. G

    I feel like Kaiser-Permanente ripped off my pops.

    If your dad seems pretty functional, they probably would say that. But I bet if you explain the situation, they won’t give you much trouble. My dad can make his own financial decisions, but I’m sure if I were with him, he would make better ones, LOL. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. G

    I feel like Kaiser-Permanente ripped off my pops.

    If your father can’t make financial decisions on his own, or has additional limitations such as mild dementia or language/communication barriers, these patients are allowed to be accompanied in KP facilities. I don’t think it’s fair to say he was “ripped off” or call it unethical, when the...