got ethical husbandry?

Recent content by Meshmez

  1. M

    Farewell BAR!

    How's your tank though? :cool:
  2. M

    Farewell BAR!

    In a couple days I'll be all packed up and moving my whole family and life to Minnesota. I'm sure I'll still pop in here and there (gotta see what @Bruce Spiegelman does with my old tank!), but for the most part I will no longer be active on the forum or the hobby. I just wanted to pop in and...
  3. M

    Lots of reef rock *gone*

    Free, but you have to take everything by Saturday! *gone* More info here:
  4. M

    PIF: Electronics cabinet *gone*

    Nice and sturdy. Come pick it up in south San Jose.
  5. M

    PIF: mushrooms *gone*

    They are the same.
  6. M

    PIF: mushrooms *gone*

    I think all I have left unclaimed are blue/green/yellow yumas
  7. M

    PIF: mushrooms *gone*

    @Da_Neefer gave me these (circled), and I'm passing them along. Pickup San jose I also have a bunch of my blue/green/yellow yuma to share
  8. M

    PIF clowns and nems *gone*

    That was fast! San Jose.
  9. M

    PIF clowns and nems *gone*

    I have 2 clowns (male is a Picasso correction, I believe it's a snowflake) and a rock with 4 rbta on it that I would like to pass along to a good home. Have to take fish and nems. I have had the female for probably 13 years and the male for maybe 10. They lay eggs regularly when settled. I have...
  10. M

    Is aeration enough to manage pH?

    Out of curiosity, what do you keep your alk at? Also do you have any algae? I have found of you let a LITTLE algae grow, it helps a lot to boost your pH. Keeping the balance of not letting the algae take over is a separate question.
  11. M

    White specks all over the tank

    Hard to tell from the pic. A few of them look like spirorbid worms
  12. M

    Tank Overflowing

    Is this clogged?
  13. M

    Tank Overflowing

    Is there a hole in the top of that drain pipe? There should be. It might be clogged. What is happening is you are creating a siphon. Once the water level gets high enough it flushes down the pipe until air gets in the pipe, and it starts all over. This is how toilets flush as well. This does...
  14. M

    PIF: Vectra L1

    Picked up by @phc567
  15. M

    PIF: Vectra L1

    Vectra L1 that was passed to me from @Srt4eric. It does have some magnet housing swelling Pickup San jose