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Recent content by naterock101

  1. naterock101

    Need a home for a Blue Tang (Dory)

    Awesome! Yeah that would be a great home for him, I'll probably tear this tank down during the weekend if I can bring him over then?
  2. naterock101

    Need a home for a Blue Tang (Dory)

    I'm leaving the Bay Area and have a Blue Tang affectionately named DaBaDee (after the song) and while I'm a going to miss DaBaDee I won't have a tank set up in Chicago where i'm moving to for some time. I'm looking for a good long term home. DaBaDee is about 3" already so probably needs to be...
  3. naterock101

    Building a new aquarium monitor & controller

    Hey Eugene, Our software is actually where we really differentiate ourselves! We have native iOS and android apps and we are working on a web app that will eventually expand on the mobile apps for things like going into the data and overlaying graphs on it. Because everything is cloud based we...
  4. naterock101

    Neptune Apex Fusion 2 Clocks Fix

    You guys should get Fishbit :) Was exciting to test our time code with more than just software tests finally :)
  5. naterock101

    Building a new aquarium monitor & controller

    Thanks Jason!!! :)
  6. naterock101

    Building a new aquarium monitor & controller

    The sdk will give us that ability on the new wifi stuff but also if you have a reeflink.
  7. naterock101

    Building a new aquarium monitor & controller

    Ecotech has an SDK which they have told us they will give us. Once that happens we will implement all the functionality within our app as well :) Same goes for AI lights (being the same company)
  8. naterock101

    Building a new aquarium monitor & controller

    I actually think we are more expandable than those "big boys" because of the architecture we built this on. All of our hardware is wifi connected and cloud based so we can update the firmware and software over the air and you don't need to buy yet another module for every little thing. Whats...
  9. naterock101

    Building a new aquarium monitor & controller

    @Flagg37 , work and live in the presidio @everyone we just went live!
  10. naterock101

    Building a new aquarium monitor & controller

    Yeah we decided to do a wired version for production for two reasons. 1. while its really cool and awesome wireless power isn't as reliable, which is the most important thing in a moniotr/controller. 2. Our engineering task of keeping the elctronics in the water yet still having replaceable...
  11. naterock101

    Building a new aquarium monitor & controller

    Hey All, We've been heads down for a long time in the development process and a bit silent but we promise that we've been working hard. We're finally ready to launch another kickstarter but this time for the production version! We're planning to go live with it tomorrow but wanted to give...
  12. naterock101

    Over-designed salt water exchange system

    @rygh why not just log the data using IFTTT and Particles webhook with it to a Google Spreadsheet? Then you can use a bunch of different services to export that data into a nice graph or write a simple script to do it for you :)
  13. naterock101

    I really hate MAP policy... (mini-rant)

    My $.02 as a "vendor" beginning to explore the distribution side of this hobby. I am finding a lot of pushback on getting rid of MAP pricing from the distributor. You have to understand that MAP protects the LFS and that without it they have much less incentive to buy goods that they will...
  14. naterock101

    10th SF Tank Tour - Sunday Nov 8th

    Its the RSM 250 (so about 65 gallons i think since im lazy and havn't reattached my 30 gallon external sump) Unfortunately i actually am going to be away on the 8th and dont come back until the next day :(
  15. naterock101

    [Nov 14, 2015] California Academy of Sciences Steinhart Tour (San Francisco, CA)

    1:25 pm please! weeeeeeeeee! thanks @Enderturtle :)