What’s there to be confused about?
AC is an excellent shop and they deserve recognition as well. Just because they are no longer your sponsor doesn’t mean you can’t show your support. Beside, what’s a better way to show that in force than a group visit? Right? I’ve always found that to be more...
Love the Reef Octo Pulse pumps! Got two still running for over 5 years with zero issue, even when we hardly clean them. Put out tons of flow too. Really underrated pumps.
Thank You but unfortunately this is of no use to me. These data are not definitive proof the failed tanks were G2. It has to be actual labels from the tank itself.
Can someone please provide picture of a SN label of the failed G2 so I can bring this up to Red Sea, please?
You can send it to my email at neptuneaquatics1752@gmail.com also if you don’t want to post it here.
I need to get to the bottom of this. Thank You for your help!
Everything in my shop is pricier than AC. I am not going to deny that. But, I am way more handsome than Joe and Karson, combined. Also, San Jose also kinda more pricier to do business in.