got ethical husbandry?

Dangalang's IM Nuvo Fusion 20 Nano

Spicy Lemon Favia, DBTC from Darkxerox.
2024.06.02 Spicy Lemon Favia 2025.01.16.jpg

Dragon Soul Torch from CaseyP, starting to split into 4 heads. Polyp extension is a ridiculous 5-6", so I can't put anything on that rock behind it, and it's effin that birdsnest up.
Sometimes you gotta be your own herbivore. Killed as many vermetids as I could too with the ultra sonic dental pick.

I tried a Pithos that didn't eat any bubble algae. Also tried an Emerald crab and that starting nipping at my Duncan and Favia on the second day he was in the tank. Might try a Pithos again and if that doesn't work I'll just have to make this part of the routine.

Gonna do the rock structures on the other side of the tank in a week or two.



Interesting! I might have to try this. You just blast their opening with the dental pick? I've been using bumblebee snails and coral snow to control vermetids.
Yeah I start at the opening and just keep jamming it in so the snail get destroyed from the inside out and try to get as much of the shell off the rock as I can. On the ones with tougher shells, I'll snip with fragging pliers then clean what's left with the dental pick. I don't have the giant thick vermetids in my tank so this tool is good enough.

I tried 10 bubblebee snails, but they didn't have any effect on the vermetids.

I got one of these on Amazon (

@PizzaOven what is your experience with bumblebee snails I heard that they can eat clams im curious because I have tons of vermedis too
I've noticed a big decline in my vermetid population, but I'm not sure if it is because of the bumblebees, coral snow, or cutting out broadcast feeding (or all of the above :) ). I tried a shotgun approach since I was tired of dealing with them. I suspect reducing their food supply was the biggest factor. I don't have clams, but they don't bother corals!
Yeah I start at the opening and just keep jamming it in so the snail get destroyed from the inside out and try to get as much of the shell off the rock as I can. On the ones with tougher shells, I'll snip with fragging pliers then clean what's left with the dental pick. I don't have the giant thick vermetids in my tank so this tool is good enough.

I tried 10 bubblebee snails, but they didn't have any effect on the vermetids.

I got one of these on Amazon (

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Nice thanks for the link! I'll have to pick one up.
Added a Caribbean Feather Duster, a Pithos Crab, and an Emerald Crab ("guaranteed to eat bubble algae" per the website) from @MarcosD Reef Cleaners group buy. Thanks again Marcos for setting up!


Dragon Soul Torch from @CaseyP aka CP Flying Spaghetti Monster :p Started with two heads - one of the original heads has fully split into two, and the other head is splitting into three. Flesh band and polyp extension is still insane.
Added a Caribbean Feather Duster, a Pithos Crab, and an Emerald Crab ("guaranteed to eat bubble algae" per the website) from @MarcosD Reef Cleaners group buy. Thanks again Marcos for setting up!

View attachment 66220

Dragon Soul Torch from @CaseyP aka CP Flying Spaghetti Monster :p Started with two heads - one of the original heads has fully split into two, and the other head is splitting into three. Flesh band and polyp extension is still insane.
I wanna get one of those torches lol. Look great.