Cali Kid Corals

Dangalang's IM Nuvo Fusion 20 Nano

Cut the infected heads off and toss them ASAP. The rest should survive if you are quick. Same thing happened to my torch recently, had to frag it up. Whatever it is, it spreads quickly but didn’t jump to any other corals in my case.
Sorry to hear about that. Seems like you’ve got a bacterial issue. I would definitely do some major water changes and continue with the microbacter7 to see if things improve. Don’t add any more euphyllia for a while
I’m late to the game on this thread. Infection thru the aquarium like this is definitely bacterial. You might want to read up on cipro the whole aquarium. Or kfc dip. It’s an extreme move. But if things are dying that quickly. The goo is growing.
Minimum 75-100% water change. Make sure your temp and perameters are spot on. Yes run carbon in a reactor if you have one. If not bag in a high flow area. Then change the carbon out in 5 days or so.
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I’m late to the game on this thread. Infection thru the aquarium like this is definitely bacterial. You might want to read up on cipro the whole aquarium. Or kfc dip. It’s an extreme move. But if things are dying that quickly. The goo is growing.
Minimum 75-100% water change. Make sure your temp and perameters are spot on. Yes run carbon in a reactor if you have one. If not bag in a high flow area. Then change the carbon out in 5 days or so.
I'll start with big water change and carbon first. I'll look into cipro and KFC dip, KFC dip looks sold out, but I'd like to avoid either of those if I can.
If you dip with antibiotics, you need to do it in a container many days in a row, otherwise you're just knocking back bacteria to let them regrow quickly. Honestly haven't had much success with it in the past.

Your tank is still pretty new so the large water change hopefully will help if there's something not right. Maybe try getting some biomedia from an established tank too from another member.
I took out the Green Branching Hammer, it was exhibiting the tell tale sign: tight/minimal polyp extension during peak light. Once I took it out of the tank and it inspected further, there was a section of flesh coming off the skeleton, just like all the others.

One thing I noticed was that in the tupperware I put the hammer in for inspection, there was a little red worm about 1/4" long. It looks like a baby sphagehtti worm to me, what do you guys think?

Anyhow, I'm gonna hold off on getting any Euphyllia for awhile, but we'll see how that goes at Coral Farmer's Market hahah! There's a nice open section at the top of my rock work now, maybe my tank is telling me it wants some SPS.


Duncan, about 8 or 9 heads now. A couple of the heads are getting blasted by the Bernardopora next to it.
2024.02.23 Duncan 2025.01.16.jpg

Frogspawn, this survived the bacteria outbreak that wiped out all of my hammers and torches. It's now splitting into 7 or 8 heads.
2024.02.23 Frogspawn 2025.01.16.jpg

It started to show signs of infection (weird blotchiness, see picture below). I did a protocol of Oxalinic acid and it seemed to turn things around.


  • 2024.02.23 Duncan 2025.01.16.jpg
    2024.02.23 Duncan 2025.01.16.jpg
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Splatter Hammer
2024.03.17 Orange Splatter Hammer 2025.01.16.jpg

Pink Spiderverse Goni
2024.03.17 Pink Spiderverse Goni 2025.01.16.jpg

Red Spiderverse Goni
2024.03.17 Red Spiderverse Goni 2025.01.16.jpg

White Lotus Alveopora, this things also survived something bacterial with the help of Oxolinic acid treatment (you can see some of the "scarring" as all those bumps on some of the polyps. Polyp extension on this thing is insane, was like 1/2-3/4" when I first got it, now the longest polyp is like 5-6". I think I could get better coloring with more PAR, but I have nowhere else I can put it.
2024.03.17 White Lotus Alveopora 2025.01.16.jpg

All of these were acquired at the May 2024 CFM.

Bernardopora from Nori Corals, growing nicely, fully encrusting the original frag plug.
2024.05.06 Bernardopora 2025.01.16.jpg

Blaso from Wine Country Corals, with 7 or 8 heads now.
2024.05.06 Blasto 2025.01.16.jpg

Goku Chalice from OMG Jesus Corals (I think?), encursted over frag plug and starting to work it's way down the rockwork.
2024.05.06 Goku Chalice 2025.01.16.jpg

White Zombie Zoa from Wine Country Corals, transferred to DBTC.
2024.05.06 White Zombie Zoa 2025.01.16.jpg

Yellow Submarine Favia from Nori Corals, a piece of frogspawn or torch tentacle fell on it and stung it in a couple spots so it has seen better days.
2024.05.06 Yellow Submarine Favia 2025.01.16.jpg
Birdsnest, growing like a weed, getting encroached on all sides by the hammer, monti cap, and torch. The torch already killed a bunch of it on the right side.
2024.06.14 Birdsnest 2025.01.16.jpg

Meteor Shower Cyphastrea, DBTC from Alexx.
2024.06.14 Meteor Shower Cyphastrea 2025.01.16.jpg

Purple Stylo, from October Frag Swap
2024.06.14 Purple Stylo 2025.01.16.jpg

Monti Cap, from October Frag Swap
2024.06.14 Red Monti Cap 2025.01.16.jpg