Reef nutrition

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  1. N

    Waterbox problem

    No it’s rodi straight from Kenny
  2. N

    Droopy coral

    I’m actually journaling in a note book that I started couple of days ago ( are you a mind reader?? ). Also salinity tester coming today as well as alkalinity test kit. ATO system as well. Waiting on magnesium and phosphate testers that will be here beginning September. So far parameter tested...
  3. N

    Waterbox problem

    When I top off I use plain water. Salinity checker coming in today. Just did water change as well. Also ATO in today as well.
  4. N

    Droopy coral

    Thank you for helping. Should be getting testers tomorrow. Will do water change as well. Not sure of name of coral…. We’ll just call them sad coral. ☹️
  5. N

    Droopy coral

    My 2 1/2 old take started out great for my first little corals. Now they’re drooping. I’ve adjust light and wave makers. Moved them around the rock. Checked water 0 nitrates Ph 7.8 no ammonia. Getting alkaline test in couple of days. Also magnesium test kit. Have fed them as well. Any ideas...
  6. N

    Waterbox problem

  7. N

    Waterbox problem

    Ok got the perfect 5 gallon plastic trash can with lid on Amazon in my cart.
  8. N

    Waterbox problem

    Is there anything under your filter pads
  9. N

    Waterbox problem

    So easy. Your great,, thank you.
  10. N

    Waterbox problem

    Where does the overflow drain in to?
  11. N

    Waterbox problem

    So here’s an update on water level. Had to add water today because level had dropped down to half of what it was 1 1/2 days ago. Want to add ATO and have priced reservoir and they are expensive. Any alternatives that aren’t over $100. I found a small trash can ( 5 gallon). Would that work? I’m...
  12. N

    Waterbox problem

  13. N

    Waterbox problem

    The sketch helped. Thank you and will look into setting one up.
  14. N

    Waterbox problem

    Ok already visited the web site.
  15. N

    Waterbox problem

    Wow. Thank you very much for helping. Gonna get on this! So far removing socks and adding water to back chamber is working. Will run for a week and see how it goes.
  16. N

    Waterbox problem

    Wow!!! Thank you so much for alternative to using filter socks. I did take out filter socks last evening added R/o water to pump chamber and so far so good. Will keep an eye on it. Also thank you so much to everyone who responded to me. I’m learning alot and have a ways to go but I’m thankful to...
  17. N

    Waterbox problem

    Will try it
  18. N

    Waterbox problem

    Just found out each of the chambers on either side of the filter chamb. has a sponge at the bottom. My son set it up so I didn’t know they were there
  19. N

    Waterbox problem

    Might be better pic
  20. N

    Waterbox problem

    Filter socks outer chambers. Pump center chamber which is very low. Tank is new, set up in may. The chambers between center are empty. So any suggestions are appreciated. But since I’m new to all this some the things suggested I’m having trouble understanding. Filter socks are pretty thick. I...