Where are you located and what size chiller are you looking for?
How long is the experiment going to be running? Depending on the length maybe borrowing a chiller could work for you?
Almost don’t need to rinse those with what little comes out compared to most others I’ve tried. There are some that are like pelletized and super clean too
How do you use the carbon? In a media bag? I def do not like water like a drain hose blasting carbon media. Seems like it can break it apart depending on the type of carbon and how hard the stream of water is
When you turn the pump on, put your finger of the intake. See what happens. Sometimes this will cause it to pull harder through the Venturi. Sounds like Arvin might be right tho with the needle will came loose from the impeller
Yes will make more product water with the same amount of pass through, so more product during the issuable life of pre filters, and less waste.
Booster pump depends on the pressure you have