Reef nutrition

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  1. Apon

    150 gal cube from 7 stills

    is the peeling on inside or outside? Check to see if the glass is still touching and not beginning to separate at the corners etc.
  2. Apon

    Corals Anon: BAR edition

    You are supposed to say...."my name is .......... and I have a coral addiction." Admitting you have a problem is step 1. Then we need to find a sponsor to help you........ "buy more coral. :eek:
  3. Apon

    Thank you

    I like how the event was kid friendly, nice time. I hope everyone was ok on how I called the swap rounds.
  4. Apon

    CFM volunteers needed (9/24)

    hopefully I can be there before 1pm....I can bring the shirts for display.
  5. Apon

    Visited a couple Miami LFS locations

    How are the Florida prices for corals compared to CA?
  6. Apon

    Child Proofing

    move the couch so he cant climb it?
  7. Apon

    Small Clown not eating

    Try live or frozen brine shrimp......those always work for me and new fish
  8. Apon

    (CLOSED) Half-priced ($4) Coral Farmers Market tickets!!! September 24th in Sunnyvale

    I am not sure yet I will be free that day to help yet.
  9. Apon

    Volunteers for Open Regional Swap 9/18/22

    I can do BAR outreach or round barker. T shirt lg
  10. Apon

    Corals right away :)

    Again? Well there is a swap again this month. :cool:
  11. Apon

    Temporary lodging

    How long do you think you need help for?
  12. Apon

    There was a fire...

    I told you it was a tough coral, but doesnt seem to harm other corals. Its used to touch my sps and nothing happened. Geez is it at 3ft now?
  13. Apon

    There was a fire...

    That sucks, sorry to hear this.
  14. Apon

    Anyone going to reefapoloza next month?

    How was it folks? Any pics?
  15. Apon

    Chromis’s 90g Acropora tank

    You need a bigger tank. :)
  16. Apon

    Anyone going to reefapoloza next month?

    I haven't decided yet if I can go, but wanted to see if anyone else was going.
  17. Apon

    Anyone going to reefapoloza next month?

    I used to go with 2-4 members all in the same day.....leave at 2am and get back around 1am......taking turns driving.
  18. Apon

    Anyone going to reefapoloza next month?

    I have done trips with BAR members years ago, but wonder if anyone is planning to go......its next to disneyland
  19. Apon

    Advice to cut rock-hard coral underwater?

    "jaws of life" or "explosives"?
  20. Apon


    thanks is that the stock pump or replacement? Do you think its strong enough or should I get a stronger one.