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  1. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    DBTC - Dragon soul torch

    Nice offering! Similar to JVU I am not in a huge rush to get have this as I am sure there are many qualified people to keep this coral, but just getting in line for 'some day'
  2. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    Canceled- Automation discussion and Reef Nutrition 8/28/2021

    As I won´t be able to attend the swap I am looking forward to this just to hang out and see people! I have had the chance to go to Scott´s and see his setup and it is really cool and so I am stoked this workshop is happening.
  3. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    PIF pin cushion urchin

    will these things eat bubble algae?
  4. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    SPS Reef tanks at 80 plus degrees?

    My tank has been 81-82 degrees ever since it started to get a little warmer and it seems fine, I am by no means sps only but have a good amount of them
  5. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    What is this thing?

    I do not
  6. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    What is this thing?

    I do have a similar lookin torch in my tank, almost exact same color scheme. But yeah could be majano too based on some pictures I’ve seen
  7. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    Scavenger Fish

    I had a golden sleeper head goby and I loved it but it there so much sand everywhere and covered all my coral that I got rid of it pretty quickly
  8. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    What is this thing?

    Found this in my tank earlier growing under one of my bigger acros so I couldn’t see it until I moved it. Looks a little like a teeny baby torch with green tips, then found a second one. Any ideas what it could be?
  9. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    2021 BAR Apparel

    I believe that if you scroll through the colors some of them are 100% cotton
  10. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    Fresh Food Feeder Workshop?

    I would be interested in this as well
  11. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    Ground clearance...

    I didn’t go to the middle of the desert to not play music at earth shattering volumes! I actually brought two!
  12. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    Ground clearance...

    That was my reasoning behind why I should be racing all the people who didn’t know I was racing them
  13. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    Ground clearance...

    Having a vehicle with high ground clearance is fantastic, although I have to say, going slow and being very cautious has gotten me really far in my minivan and other low clearance not off road vehicles on some non paved roads. Even with a high clearance 4x4 you can end up like I did yesterday...
  14. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    Melted AI prime

    What is the disco effect people talk about?
  15. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    Frag Swap is Coming !!

    I sadly won’t be able to come, I’ve had a backpacking trip planned for that weekend for a while. But excited nonetheless that it’s happening and stoked to see everyone at the next one
  16. BleepBloopMunchMunch


    plenty in san leandro
  17. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    3D printed trident guide

    Got mine, thank you!!
  18. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    Xavier’s Yellow Zoas

    Looking good!!
  19. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    3D printed trident guide

    Thanks @jhuynh for explaining this to me, if I could get a set that would be awesome
  20. BleepBloopMunchMunch

    3D printed trident guide

    I don´t really understand what this is for