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  1. Klems

    Arin's Reefer-S 850 Build

    Why not get a few bumblebee snails and put them in with the rock?
  2. Klems

    BAR at CFM Jan 22 2022

  3. Klems

    BAR at CFM Jan 22 2022

    I can do 10-11am Saturday Ken
  4. Klems

    BAR at CFM Jan 22 2022

    Let me check with the boss and get back to you tomorrow... It may be nice if we had some standard /general club info to discuss with potential future members and would assist with newer members to feel comfortable manning the table: How many active members do we have? What regions we cover...
  5. Klems

    CFM on Jan. 22...are we having a booth?

    Looks like Steve has a table reserved for us, but haven't heard if we are actually manning the booth?
  6. Klems

    KLEMS SCA 50g cube

    Just had another Rock Flower breeding event....
  7. Klems

    Bubblegum Digitata frags

    I tried but couldn't figure it out....here's a pic of my frag
  8. Klems

    Growout Contest - Bubble Gum Monster Chalice - Now Tracking Growth

    Lots of new growth since last month...up to 21 mouth's I think...
  9. Klems

    KLEMS SCA 50g cube

    Feeding time in the cube...
  10. Klems

    BRS has Hanna HR Nitrate reagent in stock again...

    Wow, those sold out quick....
  11. Klems

    BRS has Hanna HR Nitrate reagent in stock again...

    FYI...time to use those $10 promo codes
  12. Klems

    Growout Contest - Bubble Gum Monster Chalice - Now Tracking Growth

    Dec. picture....12 mouths I think...
  13. Klems

    KLEMS SCA 50g cube

    Water parameters ALK - 8.7 NO3 HR - 0.0 PO4 - .009 CAL - 457 Time to trim some cheato and feed more...
  14. Klems

    DBTC: Pink Boobies Chalice

    Disc please...
  15. Klems

    Happy Thanksgiving BAR members!

    Time to eat...
  16. Klems

    Happy Thanksgiving BAR members!

    Wow 24lbs....that's gotta be like and 7 hour cook...
  17. Klems

    Happy Thanksgiving BAR members!

    Turkey is in the oven...what is everyone cooking? Ken
  18. Klems

    DBTC: Pink Boobies Chalice

    I would love a frag....
  19. Klems

    Growout Contest - Bubble Gum Monster Chalice - Now Tracking Growth

    When will the Excel tracking chart be added?