High Tide Aquatics

Search results

  1. Galoot

    LF tunze power supply

    Anyone have one lying around? Trying to trouble shoot if it’s the power supply or light that is busted
  2. Galoot

    Kamoer F1 dosing head...needed!

    Coralvue was kind enough to send me a replacement head off a new unit since they don't have any replacement ones in stock. I thought was mighty nice of them =)
  3. Galoot

    Kamoer F1 dosing head...needed!

    Sweet! I’ll be by soon
  4. Galoot

    Kamoer F1 dosing head...needed!

    looks like BRS might have them. It's under a different name but looks identical to mine...
  5. Galoot

    Kamoer F1 dosing head...needed!

    I looked on Amazon. Couldn't find anything that would be compatible.
  6. Galoot

    Kamoer F1 dosing head...needed!

    Well, the dosing head on my unit is not priming or pumping anymore. I replaced the dosing line in case there was a leak, but that did nothing. It runs and seems to pulsate, but no liquid is drawn in or pushed out. So I'm looking for advice or if someone has a replacement dosing head laying...
  7. Galoot

    Favorite step stool or stepladder?

    https://www.homedepot.com/p/Gorilla-Ladders-4-5-ft-Aluminum-Dual-Platform-Step-Ladder-with-Project-Bucket-9-ft-Reach-250-lbs-Capacity-Type-I-Duty-Rating-GLA-4XB/318771665 I vote for something like this. Gorilla, little giant,etc…. They are stable, have a work tray to hold things and most...
  8. Galoot

    Big green toadstool

    I’ll take it off your hands when you’re ready
  9. Galoot

    LF Tunze Calcium Dispenser 5074

    That was mine. Someone scooped it up. Not sure who though
  10. Galoot

    windshield replacement

    Cameras automatically recalibrate. You dont need to pay for that. Replaced my wife’s Subaru windshield a few years back. It has the eyesight system. Everything works just fine after the replacement. Find a shop willing to just replace it and that’s it. That’s what I did. Avenue Auto in San...
  11. Galoot

    Free frogbit

    Anyone have a planted aquarium and would like some frogbit? I need to thin it all out and hate to just throw it away. Lmk. I’m in San Carlos
  12. Galoot

    Captive bred fish looking for a new home - Pair of clowns and a coral beauty

    If the deal falls through, I’d be very interested
  13. Galoot

    7/20 Kessil Facility Tour (with prizes)!

    Well, so much for me going Saturday. Damn wildfires!
  14. Galoot

    Where can I get these nipple fittings?

    I agree with Eric. Dump the compression fittings go with push
  15. Galoot

    Firereefer's 168g

    Nice job. Love the Muppet Show reference! Watched that as a kid weekly
  16. Galoot

    Custom Tank Cover / Lids - Wrasse ready - Recommendations and Lessons Learned

    I had a toplids custom two piece cover on my old 220. It was pricey. If I recall approx 450 back in 2020. It fit to spec and worked great. Had some manufacturing flaws that they addressed. I’m sure they have only gotten better over the years with their processes. I’d recommend them or kraken...
  17. Galoot

    7/20 Kessil Facility Tour (with prizes)!

    I’m in! I found someone to cover me at work for a few hours
  18. Galoot

    7/20 Kessil Facility Tour (with prizes)!

    Damn. I need to make this! Hahaha
  19. Galoot

    7/20 Kessil Facility Tour (with prizes)!

    Man gonna miss this one too. I was hoping to sweet talk them into upgrading my old A360s. Haha!
  20. Galoot

    7/19 Behind the Scenes Steinhart Aquarium Tour!

    Of course both events are on the days I’m on duty 19/20