Reef nutrition

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  1. jonmos75

    How often do you measure Alkalinity?

    I can not not get in to this too much as it is still in Beta Testing and things can change, but there is a drop down with a few different options of how many tests a day you are wanting to do with the minimum being 4 tests (4 Alk and 2 Ca/Mg) and once you choose how many tests a day and it...
  2. jonmos75

    How often do you measure Alkalinity?

    Current I am testing 8 times a day and starting to control my Calcium reactor with my Alk readings from the Trident.
  3. jonmos75

    BAR Event - How to Get the Most out of your Apex - Apr 20

    If anyone who is going to this event that has the club frag glue that we sell if you can bring some I would like to buy (2) . Let me know if this might work and I forget what the cost is for these so I can have the cash for you or can do Pay Pal.
  4. jonmos75

    What did you bring home from the swap?

    The swap was great and I really enjoyed meeting with everyone again. here is what I got from the swap: -Blue Hornets -PC Rainbow -Mummy Eyes Chalice -WWC Helios
  5. jonmos75

    Do we have anyone in the club....

    I was there earlier today. Does Jeff already have it set aside? Myself or my wife will pick it up and bring it to the swap
  6. jonmos75

    Do we have anyone in the club....

    I can bring it to the swap? What is needed? I live in Santa Cruz
  7. jonmos75

    Kessil to Apex extension cord

    Well it might be hard to find a Radio Shack anymore, but you can look up the part number
  8. jonmos75


    There was an issue with one of the APEX Fusion servers Sunday evening. Our IT/engineering staff were automatically alerted of this, and the issue was resolved shortly thereafter. Your Apex probably restarted itself in an attempt to re-establish communications with APEX Fusion during the brief...
  9. jonmos75

    BAR Event - How to Get the Most out of your Apex - Apr 20

    screw the dolphin browser I hacked the Fire to put the Google Play store on it and then downloaded a real browser Google Chrome and Fire Fox It may very from which Fire version you have but I have done this to a Fire7 & Fire8 with no issues...
  10. jonmos75

    Leaking Red Sea test kits?

    I have not had an issue with them leaking. I normally order mine from BRS or Neptune Aquatics. I have seen the floating white flakes in the solution before a but no issues with the readings when compared to other test kits.
  11. jonmos75

    Volunteers Needed for the Member Frag Swap

    @Wlachnit Put me down for Coral Police
  12. jonmos75

    2019 Member Frag Swap - March 16

    Looks like my wife and I should be able to make this and I can help out being Frag Police if available
  13. jonmos75

    2019 BAR Events

    @Wlachnit any update on the Kessil date?
  14. jonmos75

    2019 Member Frag Swap - March 16

    Coming from Santa Cruz is making this a long distance travel so I will need to ponder this but most likely will still go.
  15. jonmos75

    Best ATO

    Before the ATK came out I used a Toms Lifter pump, two float switches and a BoB on the Apex for ATO control and that was inexpensive to setup and worked for years. Had a few issues with the yellow lead float switches, but you get what you pay for.
  16. jonmos75

    Apex - Heater Question

    Mike @sfsuphysics is correct as long as you know that you have set the temp cutoff on the heater correctly. This way you don't need to re-program the heater outlet programming. I program my heaters thermostat .5 of a degree higher then my Apex prograrmming so that I have this option or if an...
  17. jonmos75

    How do I become a BAR member?

    It has been awhile but I think you click on the person Icon in the upper right corner and then choose Account Upgrades
  18. jonmos75

    Trying to fix a broken kessil

    Here is a good video on how to do a deep clean on a Kessil
  19. jonmos75


    After sending this It just started a running the 3 tests Alk/Ca/Mg
  20. jonmos75


    But have you been fooled by seeing two different Tridents on two different tanks... No fancy pictures or displays here... [emoji16] Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk