got ethical husbandry?

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    Pest ID???

    I was changing out my filter socks tonight and I have been turning them inside out after removing from the tank, because I have Bergia nudi's in my sump eating aptasia and some have made it into the display.... I found this flat looking thing in one of the looked shiny in the bottom...
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    Tri color valida...A LOT!

    Trim color??? Mike....edit your title post. I *LOVE* me some trim color. Your picture makes me more Angry.....I cannot see once color, let alone trim colors!
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    Members only frag swap 10/11/20 12-3

    Count me in as well....
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    Trying to resurrect a Kessil

    I had one go out on me but other then trying to use another power supply, I didnt bother taking it apart.... But they do fetch about $65 on ebay for "parts only" with power I might just search thru my stuff to see if I can find it!
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    Tanks on their own

    I feel your pain, lost my house (parents house) in the oakland hills firestrorm back in 1991. In the end, the fire took out half the house, my room was intact. Fish tank was....a little boiled, and about 60% full of water when I got there the next day. House still smoldering. Of course...
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    Zoa ID

    I got this zoa the other day, the vendor called it an "acid drop" zoa.... Anybody know what other name it might be?
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    Mushrooms and Paly Question

    I have the same issue, TONS of green mushrooms overtaking some really big rocks in my tank... I have done the aptiasaX on them, they sometimes die off or shrivel up to a small part of what they once were. But my huge rock I need to probably break down my aquascape and pull out and either...
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    Any electricians in the club?

    Me....I currently work for the City of Oakland as a traffic signal / street lighting electrician, but I have done tons of residential work in the past.
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    ID this thin...NO IDEA what it is...

    I have bought stuff from the wholesaler too, but I dip everything I get from there with ReVive....I wonder if that pest would have been caught. I did manage to find a mantis shrimp on one purchase, and ever since then I dip everything I get from anywhere.
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    Finally Caught It

    With that title I thought you were going to say Coronavirus. Glad it's not that, and everybody stay safe and wear your masks!
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    Best way to setup a new tank in the same area?

    I upgraded from a 100 gallon plexi to a 180 glass, custom made stand built first in the garage, then we drained the 100gallon tank 1/2 way and pulled rock from the 100 and used slider disc's to move the tank and stand to the other side of the room and refilled it and kept it running for about...
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    DBTC: Green BTA

    Please put me down on the list for any upcoming splits....I'm right down the street from you. Sorry to hear your loss Tim. I currently have 3 RBTA nicely settled in the exact middle of my 180g tank, I was REALLY hesitant to move my wavemakers a month back but lucky for me the RBTA's have not...
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    Help with heavy tank?

    Im in Concord and depending on the day could offer some help but my fat old man back isn't too strong these days.....but as long as the lift is straight up and down should be ok. (meaning not lifting and walking with it) I also have a furniture dolly as well as a set of four suction cups available.
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    Suction Cup Lifters - Borrow or Rent

    I have four. Im located in Pleasant Hill just down the street from Diablo Corals. No charge to use but some kind of deposit would be nice.
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    Live Blackworms

    Where are you located???
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    I have large fuge I need to trim back, at least a five gallon buckets worth of chaeto if anyone needs some let me know!