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  1. Oakland Evan

    Big Peninsula Tank Help

    I have had a 210 gallon peninsula tank for over 10 years. Here is my advice... Get a custom tank with steel stand, it will be MUCH safer if a the big earthquake ever hits. I like Crystal Dynamics and SCA (not sure they have steel stands) If you do go with Redsea or Waterbox, add some 2x4's...
  2. Oakland Evan

    Way to hide DBTC's

    I noticed that the main page is 80-90% DBTC threads recently. Actually this morning, there is only 1 non-DBTC thread. It seems like the discussions are being hidden due to all of the DBTC threads. Can we create a way to hide these threads for those of us that don't participate in that program?
  3. Oakland Evan

    How's the SPS frags doing from the Battle Corals GB?

    Lost 1/3, and other 2 are not growing too quickly but do look happy. All my other SPS are growing very fast lately.
  4. Oakland Evan

    Phosphates Low but Chaeto is dying

    I apologize, I have the utmost respect for you as well, I can get a bit too sarcastic. That was the point, neither money nor tank appearance were relevant.
  5. Oakland Evan

    Phosphates Low but Chaeto is dying

    No offense Omar, but I think you made it personal when you challenged John to compare tanks, as if that would be some kind of final decider. Why stop there, how about compare bank accounts, that will really show who is top boss.
  6. Oakland Evan

    Phosphates Low but Chaeto is dying

    I looked it up, didn't even know they made reactors that are that high end/expensive.
  7. Oakland Evan

    Phosphates Low but Chaeto is dying

    Ah, never heard of those. Maybe it needs a new bulb.
  8. Oakland Evan

    Phosphates Low but Chaeto is dying

    Getting back to the original problem of this thread. Is this new Chaeto or have you been successfully keeping Chaeto in this reactor? My first guess as to why your Chaeto is dying would be too little light or light not on long enough.
  9. Oakland Evan

    Phosphates Low but Chaeto is dying

    P.S. I run a very large refugium and DOSE nitrates. I have zero'd out my system a few times and by dosing a very small amount of nitrates throughout the day I make sure my system never hits zero.
  10. Oakland Evan

    Phosphates Low but Chaeto is dying

    Wow, a bit defensive I see. I would think it has been proven that there are many ways to succeed in this hobby, or are you saying that if everyone isn't doing exactly what you say, they are doing it wrong?
  11. Oakland Evan

    PSA: Don't flush towels...

    My guess is renters who got evicted or owners who got foreclosed on. Have heard of both pouring wet concrete down the pipes as well.
  12. Oakland Evan

    R2R targeted discrimination

    Is there a way to delete my account at R2R? I don't want to be supporting these kind of people in any way. Or do I go the other route and just go troll the prayer thread and try to get banned?
  13. Oakland Evan

    Very Puzzling Thing Came Up - Any Ideas?: Stray Voltage

    I only use a voltage tester "pen" to test my tank, which I believe goes off if it senses any voltage above 0. The tank stays voltage free according to the pen, but I did put a grounding probe in there anyway for extra safety
  14. Oakland Evan

    Very Puzzling Thing Came Up - Any Ideas?: Stray Voltage

    It says you can connect the ring that's on the plug to the screw in your outlet or other metal object if your outlet is not grounded
  15. Oakland Evan

    Very Puzzling Thing Came Up - Any Ideas?: Stray Voltage

    I doubt it, but a grounding probe may. Definitely your cheapest option so would try one of them first. https://www.amazon.com/RV2735-Rid-Volt-Titanium-Grounding-Probe/dp/B0002DGSWE
  16. Oakland Evan

    Very Puzzling Thing Came Up - Any Ideas?: Stray Voltage

    I guess it could be from a broken outlet cover where the current travels down the line into your tank, but that's doubtful. It probably is something in your tank that is leaking current originating at the outlet. Do you have a UV sterilizer, I had a electric leak from a bad one of those once.
  17. Oakland Evan

    Very Puzzling Thing Came Up - Any Ideas?: Stray Voltage

    Might want to get a cheap grounding probe from amazon in the mean time. I read you can connect them to a metal screw if your outlet is not grounded. I would also check your heater/s first, they are the most likely to leak electricity, a lot of cheap ones do that, even when off.
  18. Oakland Evan

    Very Puzzling Thing Came Up - Any Ideas?: Stray Voltage

    Could if they are all wearing different shoes or if one person had their hand touching the glass at the same time as the water.
  19. Oakland Evan

    Ecotech m1 issue

    Try it with a different power supply. I've had issues with some M1's as well and was able to fix them with simply changing out the power supplies. If you do need to order more, you can get them cheaper from AI than you can from Ecotech, it is the same power supply that the Hydra 26 uses with...
  20. Oakland Evan

    Planted Tanks

    SFBAAPS. Not sure if it is still in existence tho, saw a post from Jan. 2019 that they still were active.