got ethical husbandry?

PSA: Don't flush towels...


Figure it would go without saying.

What am I looking at? Looks like a really big pipe, but the towel is sticking out of a tiny opening?

This is one of two sewage pumps for a large shopping complex in Gilroy. In large complexes its common for all of the waste water to go into a large pit (lift station) then get pumped out to the city sewer.
This is one of two sewage pumps for a large shopping complex in Gilroy. In large complexes its common for all of the waste water to go into a large pit (lift station) then get pumped out to the city sewer.
Gotcha, that makes sense.

So to follow up on Evan's comment, I believe some shoplifter who was cornered ducked into a bathroom and flushed the evidence!

That or that food court food went right threw him and well, lets just say in the process soiled his shirt :D