Neptune Aquatics

Search results

  1. Ahruk

    Free: Green Palys

    Absolutely :) Just track me or Ender/Mike down at the swap to pick it up
  2. Ahruk

    Newbie Nano Tank

    Snails are wierd.... Ender just found a snail on the floor by my tank... no idea how it got there but it's still alive so he stuck it back in. Wonder how long it was out on its little misadventure. o_O
  3. Ahruk

    Free: Green Palys

    I have two Free Green Paly frags, they appear more green (like there entire body not just center) under bluer lights. Pickup at frag swap or in San Mateo.
  4. Ahruk

    Need " AIPTASIA's "

    That's really cool! I absolutely love nudibranchs, wish they weren't such picky eaters think they look so cool >,<
  5. Ahruk

    What are you bringing to the swap ?

    I've got to say I absolutely love my toadstool. I think it's so cool, even though I still think it kind of looks like a penis when it doesn't have its polyps out..... BUT when it's out its one of my favorite coral :) Can't wait for it to get bigger so I can frag it. I was looking at videos of...
  6. Ahruk

    [Sep 12, 2015] Regional Frag Swap (Hayward, CA (Building 2300 Cafeteria - Parking Lot B12))

    @Geneva I have some frags that I'd be more then happy to give you so that you can participate. So grateful for all your support for this club and wouldn't want you miss out on this kickass fragswap ;) (Also you don't have to worry about paying because it's free for BOD/ Approved volunteers like...
  7. Ahruk

    Feeding My Frog Fish Frozen Food

    It is super fun!!! I gotta fish for her this time. I wish I could feed her everyday!!! I just bought her a goldfish today :) Gonna fatten it up with some marine pellets and mysis/brine for a couple of weeks before feeding it too her, hoping I don't get too attached o_O
  8. Ahruk

    What are you bringing to the swap ?

    LOL yea, I've been thinking about that. I figure we might have to break out an actual cooler for this swap
  9. Ahruk

    What are you bringing to the swap ?

    Damn setting the BAR;) high Sergio!!! And here I thought we were bringing a lot of frags xD
  10. Ahruk

    Newbie Nano Tank

    Okay so recently my little clown has begun to exhibit unusual hosting behavior. Instead of the aggressive almost seizure-like hosting of Ender's clownfish in their anemone, my little orange guy just lays down on my pink zippers for a few seconds before swimming away. Here's some pictures of him.
  11. Ahruk

    [Sep 12, 2015] Regional Frag Swap (Hayward, CA (Building 2300 Cafeteria - Parking Lot B12))

    Pre-registered for Enderturtle and myself. +$30 to the club. Can't pass up those extra raffle tickets. Looking forward to winning some kickass prizes :)
  12. Ahruk

    Seaslugteam Tank Journal

    Damn, sorry to hear that :/
  13. Ahruk

    What are you bringing to the swap ?

    Okay here's my final frag list, stuff I actually got around to fragging xD ... All the corals pictured are definitely coming. Along with Pink zipper, YR peachy blues, king midas, green pallys, and some lavender/pink wild zoas.
  14. Ahruk

    Swayds Big Boy Reef

    That's a relief to hear. :)
  15. Ahruk

    Which Bayer Advanced!?!

    @Tskiller What kind of corals have you dipped? Acros, zoas, general LPS, softies?
  16. Ahruk

    Swayds Big Boy Reef

    Damn sorry to hear about your ac disaster, that really blows. Did the tank temperature actually hit 87???? Must have been even hotter in your house then. What was the temperature inside? 100?? How did YOU survive? :eek:We don't have AC so temperature is a constant concern for us although we're...
  17. Ahruk

    [Sep 12, 2015] Regional Frag Swap (Hayward, CA (Building 2300 Cafeteria - Parking Lot B12))

    This frag swap has better come soon because between all these frags, raffle prizes and swag. I have no idea where we're gonna fit anything else that shows up.... ;)
  18. Ahruk

    Hornberson Reef - DSA 90 gallon mixed reef

    Wow, your tank is gorgeous. That top down photo is so so awesome.
  19. Ahruk

    Bonus Round Coral List - BAR Regional Frag Swap 2015

    Damn looks like people are going to be bringing some crazy cool stuff to this swap. :D
  20. Ahruk

    Forum Contest: Flaming Zebra Zoa Grow-out Contest - TRACKING

    3 Adults one baby that I can see.