Its been variable... days its big, sometimes shrinks a little. I haven't checked him in a bit to see if any new buds under the parent polyps. Don't want to bother them.
Favorite fish is a porcupine puffer in my 37 gal cube. it's wifey's fish.
We got it when it was size of a quarter or slightly bigger he is now almost 3 inches. The most timid and indestructible fish I've ever had. Will NOT eat inverts or show them any care, had shrimp with him for longest time...
I don't want to know as I would hate myself, knowing I have other hobbies I could have put those instead to. As those won't die, RTN, STN, Crash, get pox, ich etc......
add garilc enhancer to your food. My lawnmowers when i used to have them would get lazy as they got older and bigger. Stopped eating algae off the rocks and glass. Would rather wait when I fed frozen food and flakes.
Engineers are usually voracious eaters, I had a dozen of them long long ago...
Surprisingly, "KNOCK ON WOOD", all my previous Rhino's (even the ones I got from the originator) were sensitive and usually melted from alk dips/spikes. These have been pretty resilient.