High Tide Aquatics

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  1. screebo

    Forest Green with Baby Blue polyps monti cap

    I've got 4 jumbo frags of this well healed and ready. If anyone wants one, I can bring to the BOD meeting. I was planning to provide any extras to the swap in Feb. Just let me know! Note: This monti cap grows in a flower petal form and has great 3D quality.
  2. screebo

    BAR app?

    By golly you are right. Still requires wi fi connection but so what. I'm set up to automatically connect to any of the networks I hang around. My buddy reminded me to NOT use Skype or the Facetime function at work since broadcasting video from a secure facility is frowned upon. :| It's...
  3. screebo

    Featured Club Member Photos...Calling all BAR Members!

    Hi Durwin, You have been published. Thanks for the content!
  4. screebo

    BAR Regional Swap February 12th @ Chabot College- Please note location change

    I am absolutely positive that those bright red zoas are Reverse Gorilla Nipple zoas.
  5. screebo

    BAR app?

    I must not have looked closely enough when I did the update. I'll revisit. Thanks for the heads up. I was hoping the update would provide video.
  6. screebo

    BAR Regional Swap February 12th @ Chabot College- Please note location change

    Do you think I read Tony's post?????? GEEZE! BTW, guinea pigs don't have tails. Just trying to inject a little humor, buddy! lol
  7. screebo

    BAR app?

    Gosh, I doubt anyone has paid the retail price for their iphone. They just want you to feel better about spending the 200 bucks. ;)
  8. screebo

    BAR app?

    Pretty funny, Matthew! I get a kick out of you calling Norm on his estimated iphone cost. hehehe. My iphone 4 cost $200 too! lol. I just knew that someday Matthew would start keeping us all honest............. I want to see a Skype ap that will support the video conferencing that the iphone...
  9. screebo

    BAR Regional Swap February 12th @ Chabot College- Please note location change

    Is this like the proposition that if you pick up a guinea pig by it's tail, it's eyes will fall out? :O
  10. screebo

    Another one?

    Yes, on Taravel St. Nice folks but the inventory didn't usually keep up with some other stores. I picked up a frag or two from them. Susan usually offered me special pricing on things....... 0:)
  11. screebo

    Blazing Purple and Green Favia

    Mine was a better deal: Free :)
  12. screebo

    this is a long shot.. any members here attorneys?

    Holy Cow, Sam. You've been quiet for SO LONG. Good luck with resolving your issue.
  13. screebo

    DBTC - Red Lithophyllon - "Pink Hentai" or "Ironman Litho"

    LPS R Us. Add me to the list of requesters. :) BTW, no picture? :|