Cali Kid Corals

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  1. TheRealMadMax

    Peninsula tank questions

    Wow CDA really is gone. That sucks. They built both my tanks and did a great job. They had a three to four month backlog last I checked. I wonder what happened.
  2. TheRealMadMax

    Peninsula tank questions

    I have a big 10’ long peninsula tank. Absolutely love it. Almost like having two different tanks. For the flow mine needed to have a separate closed loop system installed to increase the water movement. Good luck! That is a beautiful tank!
  3. TheRealMadMax

    Neptune Trident NP and new DOS!

    Really straight forward. Maybe takes 5 minutes.
  4. TheRealMadMax

    TheRealMadMax Monster Tank Build

    That’s a good tip. Currently if filled to the top that is about one month of dosing. I was considering adding small magnetic stir bars that would mix everything on a schedule. One more thing to break and having magnets enclosed in plastic submerged in liquids over time could cause a problem.
  5. TheRealMadMax

    Avast plank extension mixing tube

    My setup. I am not getting as much water movement as I like. I might try cutting some slits in the clear PVC to create more whirlpool.
  6. TheRealMadMax

    TheRealMadMax Monster Tank Build

    Got the dosing DOS system all setup with Robert’s help. Will give me peace of mind when traveling. Also hoping some of the NPS I’ve been struggling with will be happier.
  7. TheRealMadMax

    Neptune Trident NP and new DOS!

    Still need to mount the shelves, but system is much more serviceable!
  8. TheRealMadMax

    The Money Pit: How much are you willing to spend on livestock?

    Here is one Haddoni deciding to settle in with my hammers.
  9. TheRealMadMax

    The Money Pit: How much are you willing to spend on livestock?

    I’ve got two Haddonis I paid over $1K for each. I’m such a sucker for them even though they usually proceed to trash half the corals in the tank before settling into a spot they like ;)
  10. TheRealMadMax

    Avast plank extension mixing tube

    Maybe not, the return area has a lot of water movement but not whirlpool effect. That’s why I think I will still need to use the included mixing tube and mixing pump to ensure the food makes it into the water column.
  11. TheRealMadMax

    Avast plank extension mixing tube

    I’ve been considering mounting mine in my sump return. I have tried adding the freeze dried food manually. Only issue I’ve seen is sometimes the food never makes it off the surface and just floats for the entire day. The other issue has been some of the big pieces get stuck on the return mesh...
  12. TheRealMadMax

    2 PSA -general apex and trident alternate housing

    Oh no! That could have been so much worse. How did the Trident flood? Anything to do with the alternate housing? I have been so busy I haven’t gotten a chance to repackage mine yet.
  13. TheRealMadMax

    TheRealMadMax Monster Tank Build

    Next addition in progress, automated refrigerated dosing. Planning on Reef Nutrition Oyster, Roti and Live Phyto. Two DOS, two DOS Reservoirs. Gonna be fun!
  14. TheRealMadMax

    Where to get chaeto in the south bay area?

    Pretty sure Robert harvests a good amount of chaeto from my sump every month ;) He says it is to feed the hermit crabs …..
  15. TheRealMadMax

    300 Gallon Tank Substrate Media Poll

    I love sand. I have a pretty big cleanup crew so they keep the bottom looking nice. Also getting a lot of good mushrooms growing in on one side which is really cool effect.
  16. TheRealMadMax

    7/19 Behind the Scenes Steinhart Aquarium Tour!

    I would love to go! A few years back my daughter and I did an overnight at the Academy of Sciences as part of the YMCA Adventure Guides program. She wanted to sleep in one of the tunnels under the fish ;) Really fun! Not that you get much sleep on those overnights ….
  17. TheRealMadMax

    A balanced diet

    Thank you!!! They are one of my all time favorite species.
  18. TheRealMadMax

    A balanced diet

    Interesting I had no idea the clowns would feed them. The CSB has two spotsynctus (sp?) hosting it it. I have a couple oscillarious that are hanging out on the wrong end of the tank so they might not even known the Haddonis are in the tank. I might need to find a way to encourage them to explore...
  19. TheRealMadMax

    A balanced diet

    I have a beautiful CSB and two Haddoni carpets that happily eat a silverside every week. I’m sure they pickup a small amount of Reef Frenzy and mysis when feeding the fish. They all look super healthy, however knowing variety is the spice of life just curious what others are feeding theirs?
  20. TheRealMadMax

    Plank Autofeeder

    Thanks! This system has been a really fun journey for sure. I would be happy to host a tank tour sometime. I’m only three years in so still have so much to learn, really fun being able to talk shop with others who share the passion. My kids and I would have been at the frag swap yesterday if it...