
Search results

  1. aqua-nut

    NEW: Acropora Seeds! Latest in Coral Propagation

    Hiding under the pot of gold, of course!
  2. aqua-nut

    Keep Tangs and Sharks in a Nano Aquarium with this Supplement!

    Sweet 4/1 stuff! Now if only the blue CF was real...
  3. aqua-nut

    Free 10 Gallon Glass Tank

    How about a pic? J/K!! :D:D
  4. aqua-nut

    Petco $1/gallon sale

    They are the gateway drug to our addiction. :D
  5. aqua-nut

    HD Coral timelapse video

    Spoken like a true GEEK! :D I'm sure they make fantastic images. Is there any content in 4K? I don't think cable or broadcast are anywhere near ready to do 4K.
  6. aqua-nut

    New Website Style Available

    ^^^^^ That! Just how lazy are you folks! :D:D:D
  7. aqua-nut

    new tank plans, help me plan it

    Only 5 tanks? I think that shows great restraint. I've got 7 tanks with water in them and an undisclosed number (just incase my wife ever reads this! :) ) that are just gathering dust. How the heck did you get popcorn on the ceiling? Movie night must be a real wild time!! :p:D:p:D
  8. aqua-nut

    New to reefs, the club, and keeping a journal

    No way is post processing cheating! Ansel Adams didn't make prints without manipulation. One of my favorite quotes from AA: “Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.” There is no reason you should have to live with what came out of...
  9. aqua-nut

    Maureen's Classroom DSA 105

    Very cool tank and VERY lucky kids! Plumbing is designed based on your return pump. What flow are you shooting for? I have a 120G tank and use either a Eheim 1262 or SICCE SYNCRA SILENT 4.0. Both rated at about 950 gph. Actual flow is probably about 600gph. My BA system is all 1" pipe. Edit...
  10. aqua-nut

    Phosban 150 users pls advise

    The BRS recommendation for one reactor is to mix GFO and carbon. GFO only needs to tumble to keep it from clumping (or turning into a brick :D ). When they are mixed the carbon separates the GFO particles and prevents clumping. No need to tumble. Might even work better with longer contact time...
  11. aqua-nut

    JBWave Jebao controller - review

    I agree. I also have concerns about the stresses on a tank a big wave will generate. Once you get that water moving side to side there is lateral forces that tanks might not like.
  12. aqua-nut

    JBWave Jebao controller - review

    Flash backs to acoustic couplers. 300 baud on a real good day. We be stylin in geeksville over the phone lines! Now I'm annoyed when pages don't load fast enough at 30+Mbps! And now, back to our regularly scheduled program... :D
  13. aqua-nut

    Feeding Corals

    Yep. Than does a great job with several hard things at once. Macro, time lapse, video and aquarium, oh my! He has quite a few videos listed under Tidal Gardens, too.
  14. aqua-nut

    Reef STDs from swap ;)

    Hey, Fish Guy! You could be called worse things. :p
  15. aqua-nut

    Recycled R/O water has anyone re run it again.

    Another water saving tip... Make sure your pre-filters are good and you have enough pressure. As pressure drops the ratio of waste to product goes up! I use my waste water to fill the pond. My goldfish are tough and a bit higher TDS is no big deal.
  16. aqua-nut

    $50 gift certificate available

    Thanks, ender. If I understand you correctly, jctse doesn't need the print out I have and I can save a stamp! Does this work the same way if he shops face to face?
  17. aqua-nut

    $50 gift certificate available

    We have a winner! Get something nice, grow it out and bring it back to the club at the next swap! (not a requirement, just a suggestion) PM me your name and mailing address. I'll send it out to you. Interesting that with ten possibilities it took nine guesses to hit. This group should stay...
  18. aqua-nut

    QT list and meds to get!

    :oops: I'm a lot more confident with fish so the following is my guesses. Dip, observe, dip, observe. Do this in a clean tank. How long to QT is a big unknown. If you are worried about bringing Ich in along with corals, they would have to be in a fishless QT for 8 weeks. To kill coral...
  19. aqua-nut

    $50 gift certificate available

    2, 0, 9 & 8 No! :( I didn't realize I picked such a hard number!