So I've been reading up and what my 1st steps should be and have a fairly good idea. But all the horror stories about pests have made me a little paranoid about introducing coral/fish into a new tank.
So, on a QT, will a simple all in one setup work? Like something with a built in filter? I'm assuming it has to cycle like the DT before adding anything live to it?
The plan is to start cycling the QT, then a few weeks after that, start the DT and cycle that. Once the QT is done cycling, I can start QTing my 1st fish (a clown probably). So that would mean the clown should be in the QT for a few weeks before the DT gets done cycling and when the DT is ready, the clown should be ready for it. I'm assuming I don't have to QT the clean up crew I'll be introducing right before the clown?
Do I have to toss the QT water and totally clean the filter before QTing another fish/coral?
Or will the dips/meds kill off any parasites/pests that hitched a ride?
A reg 10%-20% WC twice a week should be enough for the QT?
Will the filters (I'm assuming I'd use something like chemipure or just carbon and bioballs?) absorb all the meds that the coral/fish will transfer after the dips?
Now on to meds. What is a good list for sps/lps/softies and fish to have on hand and is there an order to do dips in?
Revive, Coral RX and what else? Do I just pick one or do both!?!
For fish, Rid-ich? What else?
Any need for a UV treatment? I'm thinking that will kill off any beneficial bacteria in the water but I'll be do WC regularly so that may not be a problem?
Also, can I put in a new coral/fish right after I pull the clown out or should I rest the tank and let it cycle a little before introducing a new one?
Soooo many questions!!!
So, on a QT, will a simple all in one setup work? Like something with a built in filter? I'm assuming it has to cycle like the DT before adding anything live to it?
The plan is to start cycling the QT, then a few weeks after that, start the DT and cycle that. Once the QT is done cycling, I can start QTing my 1st fish (a clown probably). So that would mean the clown should be in the QT for a few weeks before the DT gets done cycling and when the DT is ready, the clown should be ready for it. I'm assuming I don't have to QT the clean up crew I'll be introducing right before the clown?
Do I have to toss the QT water and totally clean the filter before QTing another fish/coral?
Or will the dips/meds kill off any parasites/pests that hitched a ride?
A reg 10%-20% WC twice a week should be enough for the QT?
Will the filters (I'm assuming I'd use something like chemipure or just carbon and bioballs?) absorb all the meds that the coral/fish will transfer after the dips?
Now on to meds. What is a good list for sps/lps/softies and fish to have on hand and is there an order to do dips in?
Revive, Coral RX and what else? Do I just pick one or do both!?!
For fish, Rid-ich? What else?
Any need for a UV treatment? I'm thinking that will kill off any beneficial bacteria in the water but I'll be do WC regularly so that may not be a problem?
Also, can I put in a new coral/fish right after I pull the clown out or should I rest the tank and let it cycle a little before introducing a new one?
Soooo many questions!!!