got ethical husbandry?

Search results

  1. cwolfus

    BAR CHAT - LED lighting - why its cool for reefs - Thursday 2/4 @ 9pm

    As prices come down, LEDs are getting more and more play as a reef lighting option. Find out more about it by bringing your questions, from newbie to expert, and let's see if we can put Tony on the hot seat. :D Host/Speaker: Tony (Gomer) When: Thursday 2/4 @ 9pm Where: In our chat...
  2. cwolfus

    An expanded dipping regimen your input helps!!!

    Here's a good pest ID thread one of our members posted on another forum. ;)
  3. cwolfus

    January DBTC - 12 2nd gen+ corals given out!

    Woot! January was a pretty good month for DBTC with 36 corals given out and 12 of those were 2nd gen +. Here's the list of 2nd gen givers: Eight(1), Ibn(3), patchin(1), yardartist(3), pixelpixi(1) ... and the 3rd gen + givers: Eight(2), saltwatersig(1) Good...
  4. cwolfus

    Help make the upcoming swap the best one yet!

    Wall flower... Is that like a flower petal monti? I hear it's the new setosa! :lol: Thanks guys. Who else?
  5. cwolfus

    Reminder: 2010 renewal period starts January 1, 2010

    Reminder, we're wrapping up our membership drive in a few days. Time to renew if you haven't yet.
  6. cwolfus

    New Member...and need advice

    What types of corals, and other animals, are you planning to keep?
  7. cwolfus

    Help make the upcoming swap the best one yet!

    Hey all, We need more volunteers for the the check-in and welcome tables as well as the frag swap area and MC / raffle / ticket sales areas. We're still looking for another 10 people. No experience necessary. No need to be a coral expert. The strength of this club is the...
  8. cwolfus

    Help make the upcoming swap the best one yet!

    Does that make you Alvin? Or another? ;) Good to see all this goodwill and volunteering. Even better to see so much volunteering from newer members. Who else can help?
  9. cwolfus

    Another Coral Thief at Neptune Aquatics

    Great news!
  10. cwolfus

    Another Coral Thief at Neptune Aquatics

    Robert, Thank you for posting these vids. It not only helps to discourage and catch these jerks, but it also helps the other LFSs in the area to be on the lookout. Some people suck! I hope you get him.
  11. cwolfus

    Site Software Upgraded

    Thanks for all the effort, Erin. For me everything seems to work fine... except the preview button. Clicking it brings up a new page with a text box containing my post, but no preview.
  12. cwolfus

    Finding Available Frags

    Great work, Erin! Thank you.
  13. cwolfus

    Tank is not doing so well anymore :(

    +1 While I would love to see every coral thrive, we all know that is not how it works. Even the most experienced with the most stable systems have losses. Sometimes they have big losses. Don't be sad for losing DBTC corals. Be happy that the chains are still alive and that the one you...
  14. cwolfus

    DBTC - SPS from my tank

    Even before you get the name you are able to use the "add a frag" button above.
  15. cwolfus

    Green Milli

    Converted to a chain.
  16. cwolfus

    Blue Tip Stag

    Converted to a chain.
  17. cwolfus

    Green Hydnophora

    Converted to a chain.
  18. cwolfus

    Green Radioactive Cap

    Converted to a chain.
  19. cwolfus

    Tubs blue zoas

    Converted to a chain.