High Tide Aquatics

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  1. Sfork

    Anemones have personality

    I randomly came across this today. http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2011/07/scienceshot-anemones-have-person.html original research...
  2. Sfork

    2011 BAR members swap help thread

    I can help with check-in/reg/coral run
  3. Sfork

    Does fishing in the SF pier require a permit?

    Lol. Check out the fishing report on eastbayexpress.com. go to the site and search for "fishing report"
  4. Sfork

    What's a good 14K 250W SE MH bulb?

    I like the way my 14k Phoenix looks, they're cheapest on amazon.
  5. Sfork

    Does fishing in the SF pier require a permit?

    There are 2 or 3 public piers scattered in there.
  6. Sfork

    How to post pictures

    If you dont care for keeping an album, imgur.com is the easiest way. no logging in or making an account if you're using a newer browser you can just drag the picture (or multiple) to Imgur.com and it'll upload it and give you the links. It will even give you the links to specifically make them...
  7. Sfork

    BAR members only swap August 13th @ Chabot College

    Exciting :) I missed last year's member's only swap.
  8. Sfork

    What fish eats brittle starfishes and stomatella snails?

    I also have some Cyphastrea that is having a hard time encrusting on the rocks because the brittle stars are all along the edges.
  9. Sfork

    Bright Red Micro Zoas

    Sure you guys can have em :). I have a camping trip this weekend so pickup will have to be next week.
  10. Sfork

    Bright Red Micro Zoas

    These guys are tiny! But oh so bright. I made a few single polyp frags when I first got them in march (they were on the edges of the original frag plug). They have since grown a bit. I had planned to grow them out a bit more before offering them on DBTC but I'm running short on Frag space...
  11. Sfork

    Trochus snails

    Ok they have grown big enough to where I can say they are 100% Trochus snails.
  12. Sfork

    dbtc unkown lps.....yes lps

    Whatever it is I'm still waiting for a chance! :)
  13. Sfork

    San Francisco - Proposed ban on sales of FISH

    lol @ that plastic bag ordinance. All it did was force grocers to get even thicker plastic bags that wont be considered "one use"
  14. Sfork

    Vanishing Clownfish

    I've had something similar happen when moving. One of the clowns got in a hole in a rock, never caught it out of the old tank. We thought it died somehow and got lost in the sand; But once all the rocks were in the new tank there it was the next day.
  15. Sfork

    Anyone have experience with Sonic.net DSL service?

    I tried to switch also. Not in my area so I'm stuck with At&t. Generally smaller ISPs are way better price wise because they are competing with the big monopolies, Verizon being the exception to the rule with FIOS.
  16. Sfork

    Aerating a nano

    A Modded ac 70 fuge would be good too for breaking the surface. But it can be ugly if you don't have background.
  17. Sfork

    Air Bubble in Candy Cane Polyp

    That's a pink hentai/ironman Litho with bubbles in it. I'm pretty sure I dont have cyno on a frag plug :p edit: here's how it looks like before feeding dry food.
  18. Sfork

    Air Bubble in Candy Cane Polyp

    My LPS get air bubbles all the time it never causes damage, mainly for me it happens when i feed dry food (like otohime). It goes away after a few hours.
  19. Sfork

    glass-holes.com Complete Kit Overflow & Bulkheads Yeah or Nay?

    yeah, go bigger than you need if you use it near the limit it still makes a bunch of noise.
  20. Sfork

    Water Management in an Urban Apt

    Get a 5 gallon water jug/bucket and do 5 gals at a time in the sink (I'm assuming you do it at the sink since you said urban apt). That way if you forget it goes down the drain.