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  1. Sfork

    Chalice Coral Question

    I think I read something about the sand actually being good for them when it gets on top. They take some stuff out of it and puff up to get it off. Let me see if I can find the article.
  2. Sfork

    Nano Advice Needed

    That's a better way, although I would get the heatsink from nano tunners because it is already pre tapped and sized to fit perfectly in your hood. I Had 24 over my biocube29 so i think 12 would be enough for a bc14
  3. Sfork

    Apparently people really like watching dogs get vacuumed

    I uploaded this video for my sister to watch because she didn't believe I could vacuum my dog. In 24 hours I got 5k hits.
  4. Sfork

    Nano Advice Needed

    I think one would be ok for med/low. Ideally I would get 2 par 38's. You can always buy one and get another later. There's always this too:
  5. Sfork

    DBTC ORA scripps stag

    I made a few accidental tiny frags about two weeks ago. If anyone wants them they've already begun encrusting. Otherwise I'll let them grow out more. Pickup Lake Merritt in Oakland.
  6. Sfork

    Unknown Green Monti

    Mine didn't make the 2 moves I made within 2 months. It accidently fell into a big lobo during one move, and I didn't notice for 2 days. It was one of the cooler looking monti's I've had.
  7. Sfork

    Upgrading tank need advice on drilling locations

    Yeah well my advice still stands. You should decide where you want stuff in the sump first :p.
  8. Sfork

    Trochus snails

    I just lost it. If I see another I'll grab it!
  9. Sfork

    Trochus snails

    I should have just taken if off the rock to check, since it was out and about during the day. Edit: I dunno, I just pulled it off to take a look, it looks a lot like the adults, I should clarify that I have red banded black foot trochus. I didn't realize there were different kinds.
  10. Sfork

    Sfork's 33.6 Gallon Mr. Aqua Rimless

    Here's the weirdest thing I got at Baymac. A Quarter of a scoly, it had some skeleton showing when I first got it from being mishandled, but now it's all healed up and eating again.
  11. Sfork

    Trochus snails

    I knew i had baby trochus snails somewhere. Ignore the cyno from lack of flow. I have this part of the tank walled off a bit because of a killer favia.
  12. Sfork

    Upgrading tank need advice on drilling locations

    Line up the returns with the teeth of the overflow. I mistakenly lined mine up with the top of the overflow hole, now i have to arch my loc line up a lot. I have some pictures at the beginning of my tank thread. Plan your sump first then decide where your overflow/returns will go.
  13. Sfork

    Sfork's 33.6 Gallon Mr. Aqua Rimless

    I force fed PE mysis with a pointy chopstick. This was a really last ditch type thing, they were completely out of tentacles and had nothing they could grab food with. I did injure one of the heads while doing this and it took 4 times as long to recover.
  14. Sfork

    Sfork's 33.6 Gallon Mr. Aqua Rimless

    Need help with some ID, I can only guess a Millie or A. prostrata. Either way it's the fastest growing sps in my tank, I notice new growth on a daily basis.
  15. Sfork

    Red Macro Algae Needs Identification

    Yeah, it's been cool to have been kept in the loop. Here's a picture of the macro I gave him
  16. Sfork

    Green Polyp Toadstool

    I fragged the frag into 3 smaller pieces. Once they heal they'll be my last offering because no one ever got the last 3 offers I made.
  17. Sfork

    Chalice Azul

    I would like to give it a shot! I recently got my first few chalices so now I'm hooked :).
  18. Sfork

    Mini Nems

    It's cool, I had one go through a power head and become 5 separate anemones
  19. Sfork

    DBTC - Kinda like Eagle Eye Zoas

    No problem! Sorry I had to rush away, I didn't realize how cold it was today.