Reef nutrition

Red Macro Algae Needs Identification


What is this algae? Its tissue seems pretty touch but it's not calcified, at least not significantly. There are some white spots on it, as you can see, and it adheres strongly on live rock. I got it a month ago at Green Marine when Shawn threw it in with some Trochus snails I bought, but he couldn't remember the name. It looks nice, but I would like to know what it is. Thanks.
A_Lee said:
Helymenia sp. comes to mind, though someone else may chime in and correct me if I am wrong.

Not a growth form I have seen of Halymenia
I'd be careful with stuff you can't identify. I saw some dictoya in my tank before and left it alone and before I knew it the tank was taken over.
hiepatitis said:
I'd be careful with stuff you can't identify. I saw some dictoya in my tank before and left it alone and before I knew it the tank was taken over.

That's an excellent point. Someone at Nano-Reefs said that he has the same algae and it hasn't been a problem, but that's not assuring since I still don't know what it is.

I've posted this to few forums and no one knows what it is, but I'll keep trying and post any updates. Any friend of a friend here who's phycologist?
I work with a phycologist. I need a better picture though, and typically one showing the structure.
Other than the white specs, it looks identical to what I have.
And what I have spreads, so be warned.
Not a plague, and easy enough to remove, but borderline nuisance.
BTW: Mine is very slimy/slippery when you pull it out.
I gave a piece of this algae to Eric Henry at the OnSight booth at BAYMAC. The tentative ID is a species of Gracilaria, but he said that he'll send it to another colleague to get a more affirmative identification. It's kinda exciting since we may finally figure out what this is.

The red algae has grown but it hasn't spread, so nothing crazy. Once I get a more positive ID I may feel comfortable with sharing this around.
Good... The last two days I've gotten updates so its good to know you are in the loop.
Sfork said:
Yeah, it's been cool to have been kept in the loop. Here's a picture of the macro I gave him

That looks really cool. I would like to be kept in the look on that one and maybe a piece of it later on :)
