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  1. V

    Ideas - sump in basement?

    Thanks for the info! I do not plan to upgrade the tank now due to budget and space but I will do it at some point. My next upgrade will be a 100 gal. So, I will plan it properly. Sorry I did not give enough details. That is what I plan to use - the aqualifter pump and HOB over flow. Good thing...
  2. V

    Ideas - sump in basement?

    I am trying to collect some ideas on what I can do to make it better for my reef tank. I currently have an aquatop 40 gal with stand. All about 22" or so. I am not planning to drill my current tank (not sure whether it is tempered or not but it is irrelevant to me since I am not drilling it)...
  3. V

    PIF: Tunze 9004 Skimmer

    Thank you. I will take it if that works.
  4. V

    Free equipment

    I could use the skimmer if that still works. thank you! sorry i realize its a reactor..not skimmer ;)... thank you anyway!
  5. V

    Heaters, powerheads, filter socks, refractometer, some corals, etc. (edit: also lights!)

    I could use one of the koralia powerhead 1350 gph and the refractometer
  6. V

    40 gal tank

    That makes sense. Thank you.
  7. V

    40 gal tank

    Hi all, As promised, I cleaned up the tank a bit over the weekend. Took some lousy pics. The rocks are not enough for the tank. I ordered some 20 lbs live rock which are due to arrive in early January.. So, for now, I am just looking at...rock. It doesnt matter. I have a lot of things to keep...
  8. V

    Eric's 100 gallon adventure. (Formally 40g)

    ah i see..thanks! Yes, I would go for a clownfish first..
  9. V

    Eric's 100 gallon adventure. (Formally 40g)

    Thats an awesome looking fish! where did you buy this from?
  10. V

    RODI water system

    Hi all, I am looking into purchasing a RODI system. I have a 40 gal tank and on a budget. So, a small but decent one will do. Do you have any recommendations for our area? I live in east bay, berkeley and looking at EBMUD, it seems that i get the water from walnut creek area. thanks all!
  11. V

    hi everyone

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! yesterday i was dealing with some issue on my tank. I noticed some poor workmanship on the tank that I just purchased. what do you think of this? do you think it may cause issues?
  12. V

    hi everyone

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. I was about to make a trip there tomorrow but then decided it's too early. So I will wait for now. Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
  13. V

    hi everyone

    Hi everyone, I am new here but you can also find me on R2R. I just joined the reef tank community. I am new to the hobby but I have had planted tanks before (10-55 gal). I am hoping to get some valuable resources from you all since I just started venturing into marine tanks. I bought an...