Cali Kid Corals

Search results

  1. S

    Powerhead Battery Backup

    I think it means that the power supply sits between the power plug and the pump. For example, normally: power plug -> Jeabaos control box -> pump With the power backup, it becomes: power plug -> power backup -> Jeabao control box -> pump Which means if you control your pump by apex [which comes...
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    Your guilty pleasure

    Flame tipped bubble anemone looks pretty cool. Although, for me right now, even the rose one looks pretty similar. Thanks for the tip about ricordea, i also read online that most of them don't make it (especially the yuma). The one I was referring to was one from neptune from about a month ago...
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    Your guilty pleasure

    I think all of reef keeping is a guilty pleasure. But I want to know your guiltiest. Did you buy a bounce mushroom for over 1000$? Did you not go out on a Friday night to meet some friends because it's your coral feeding day? Etc. As for myself, I haven't purchased anything coral super...
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    Blastomussa merletti

    After hearing that @RobMcC is the blasto man. I figured I should ask this question here. I have a blastomussa merletti frag (6 heads) and all it seems to do is sit there. I don't understand how it can grow more heads. Are you suppose to provide a structure for the tubes to touch so that new...
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    Forum Contest: Semi-Rainbow Acan Grow-out Contest - WINNER

    Congrats wpeterson@. Seems like your tank params for Calc and Mag are much higher than the normal 'recommended'. Especially with Mag at 1800 ppm. I know there isn't any detrimental affect with having high mag but 1800 seems super high.
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    What Corals were at the 2015 BAR Frag Swap?

    This is what my wife and I got from the swap: Green Cyphastrea, @Nav Tyree Blue Chalice Green Birdsnest, @Corallus Purple Pocillopora, @Corallus Miami Hurricane Chalice Porites, @anathema (I think it shattered during transport, I have like a million frags of it now lol, I also can't seem to...
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    Free LED Coral Flashlight

    I'm happy people liked the lights and were sharing it. Depending on when the next member only swap, I'll probably make another batch of 4. @Enderturtle, sorry to hear that. If I end up making another batch, you'll be the first to receive one. @Ashalye, thanks for the offer. I guess if we get...
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    [Sep 12, 2015] Regional Frag Swap (Hayward, CA (Building 2300 Cafeteria - Parking Lot B12))

    Just wanted to say thank you to the organizers, volunteers, sponsors and vendors.
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    Free LED Coral Flashlight

    Hey Baykes. Swap is starting and you haven't picked up your light yet. I don't have your phone number
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    Frag Swap questions form beginner

    Just a few questions that I can't seem to find answer anywhere. Should we bring a cooler? Is it necessary? How do we label our frags? As in, do we simply marker the deli container? Sticky note? Or are there labels that will be given during the swap.
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    Seaslugteam Tank Journal

    Tank Updates: Sighs. Another 3 more sps died. Seems like they are all acropora. The montipora seems to be fine. I think my tank is simply not ready for acropora in general. At least, it's a lesson learned before the frag swap. It is sad though because I wanted to bring those acropora to the...
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    Reef Angel

    Thanks for the offers of help. I think I should be fine on the software side of things.
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    Reef Angel

    I would like to take a look at it if possible. I've been playing around with the arduino myself and this would probably saves me a lot of time. Especially with the power bar.
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    Seaslugteam Tank Journal

    Tank Updates: I lost 3 sps this week. One of my circulation pump died so I ordered a new pump, however I did not expect the sps to lose tissue so quickly. It should have occurred to me to move the second pump over to where the sps was since they are more sensitive to water movement. In either...
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    Hitchhiker ID

    Ahh that makes sense. I dipped those rocks but with bigger rocks, it's fairly easy for hitch-hikers to hide in the crevices.
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    Hitchhiker ID

    Thanks for the quick ID Ender. I'm so surprised to find him today because I didn't buy any live rocks so he must have came with a frag. I dip all of mine and you would think a snail is quite noticeable on a frag plug.
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    Hitchhiker ID

    I found this slug in my tank earlier today. No idea what he is after going through a few hitchhiker guide/lists. Does any one have any idea what this slug might be? He seems to have a redish small 'shell'? Sorry for the bad picture but it's hard to focus.
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    Free LED Coral Flashlight

    Yep, pickup is at the regional swap. If you need it before hand, feel free to pick it up at Mountain View after 8PM weekdays.
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    Free LED Coral Flashlight

    It's fairly easy to modify the flashlight if you have a glue gun and a soldering iron, helping hands, etc. However, I don't think it's a huge benefit in terms of saving money if you're only doing 1. The biggest benefit, I think, is the fact that it uses AAA batteries instead of Lithium...
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    FREE HOB TruVu Filter, nice for a nano !!

    xcaret, I just realized that the HoB is too large for the tank I had in mind. Sorry for any inconvenience,