High Tide Aquatics

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  1. Roc

    silly chat!

    We use Goats for Weed abatement of 125 acres out here at my Job on Mare Island, the funnest thing is watching the gardners stare at them, and begin to drool a little bit.....
  2. Roc

    Tell me whats wrong with this picture

    Why do you think ppl would say that?
  3. Roc

    225 upgrade IS HERE

    Why do I feel so excited about seeing this tank come to life...........................
  4. Roc

    "Lucky Goldfish" LFS Coral ID

    I wasn't trying to knock you, but I am one of those rare reefers who gets almost everything from Jim's store or one of the clubs DBTC programs, so I don't really know nor care about their "worth" in fact I have given red planet frags 3" in lentgh to ppl and called them "Red and green acro"...
  5. Roc

    "Lucky Goldfish" LFS Coral ID

    If you like the way it looks, couldn't you just buy it for that reason instead of wondering if it's a Real or fake OT or what number tort it is?
  6. Roc

    Getting rid of Algae

    Wouldn't that depend highly on the fish, for instance a tang eats almost constantly, and poops a lot, this would normaly seggust they get very little nutrition from the food they eat, and thus should be feed more often then say a yellow tailed damsel with eats occasionaly (I understand that most...
  7. Roc

    Getting rid of Algae

    Ridding a tank of Algae starts with ID'ing what is causing it in the 1st place, simplely adding more animals to graze on it has the double effect of adding a higher bio load which can in fact fuel algae grow....
  8. Roc

    Let "THE GAME" begin

    I was able to goto the game in pasadena back in 1994 Italy VS Brazil, it was thrilling and the after party the Brixzialian through in the streets of pasadena after they won was the best I have ever seen....
  9. Roc

    Zoa/Paly Question - Inverting/Over-opening?

    IME some zoas will "over open" if they are in need of something like more flow, more light, etc
  10. Roc

    jestersix 150G PlasmaLand

    Is there a reason both lights are both toward the center and not even spaced within the demensions of the tank?
  11. Roc

    Our Tank Journal

    weather its the actual rock or organic matter trapped in the rock makes little to no difference, the point is that the HA can have a constant food source which you are not dealing with while doing WC or while pulling the Algae off the rockwork. A way to test is to make some fresh SW and...
  12. Roc


    Matthew if they spread to another rock, can't you wait until they are close and then place the entire 2nd rock into you rearing tank?
  13. Roc


    Maybe your clowns are trying to hide so you don't steal their babies again....LOL
  14. Roc

    Bleached, Infested, or something else? Acropora

    plus 1, I would cut them as close to the RTN'ed part without getting any of it on the frag iteslf.
  15. Roc

    Slims 120G

    Nice tank, I wouldn't say 1.026 is high for salinity, actualy I would say it's perfect.
  16. Roc

    Our Tank Journal

    Hair algae IMO is best removed during water changes using the hose to suck it out as you manualy pull it off the rocks, go slow and be very careful and it will go away with time. Most ppl I know that had bad cases had rocks litered with PO4 and by finding those rocks and removing them they cut a...
  17. Roc

    SPS Coral Growth Question with Picture for Reference

    that looks like a good growth amount to me, new off shoots, looks like the base has grown consideralbly as well
  18. Roc

    Removing scratch from acrylic aquarium

    Nope cuz I think doing a tank is hard work, however since you don't.................LOL
  19. Roc

    Removing scratch from acrylic aquarium

    Can you come over and do the inside of my tank...LOL
  20. Roc

    RO Systems

    I have a AWAI Thypoon III extreme and I love it, it also has a tee tap uilt in for drinking RO water per DI. Its not recommended to drink DI water cuz it has nothing left in it, most of which is benifial to us, however to make the best quality water for your tank you start with RO/DI (has...