Cali Kid Corals

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  1. SaltwaterAddict

    Will peppermint shimp kill corals

    Update!!! My acans are coming back. Even the one that was a complete skeleton has blue and green color and its little tenticle things are out so it is feeding. It was those little bastards!!!!
  2. SaltwaterAddict

    Will peppermint shimp kill corals

    Good point. Little boogers. I felt so bad fishing them out. They were adorable. I took them back to the aquarium store where I hope they find happy homes.
  3. SaltwaterAddict

    Will peppermint shimp kill corals

    I do feed them directly. It was a pain in the butt but I got all but 1 out. There were 4 total. I am hoping the last one will have a smaller impact. We will see.
  4. SaltwaterAddict

    Will peppermint shimp kill corals

    Hi all! I haven't been on here in awhile. I got some peppermint shrimp about 3 weeks ago to take care of some aptasia which worked really well but this past week I have 1 acan completely die and the other one shrunk untill today when i noticed it's skeleton. My numbers are all good. I just...
  5. SaltwaterAddict

    Holiday Potluck, Rich Ross talk, mini frag swap, 12/3

    I am interested. Not sure yet what I will bring. I will let you know as the time gets closer. My corals are not growing fast enough to frag, still itty-bities. Maybe the parmeter will help with that. It will probably be me and Z. so 2 of us.
  6. SaltwaterAddict

    CFM volunteers needed (9/24)

    I can do it 2 - 3 pm. I likely will have my son in tow. If you are okay with it, we can hold the both down together.
  7. SaltwaterAddict

    CFM volunteers needed (9/24)

    I apologize, I haven’t been active all summer for various reasons. What is CFM and where is it? I might be interested to help out with my son.
  8. SaltwaterAddict

    Sunrise dottyback needs re-homing ASAP

    Hi all, My sunrise dottyback needs re-homing ASAP. My goby who normally was hanging out by her pistol shrimp home would continuously be chased my the dottyback. This morning I found my goby Lucy (RIP :-() on the floor. I sat and watched the tank for a couple hours and noticed my clownfish...
  9. SaltwaterAddict

    Fragging Workshop Saturday, 6/11, 1-3pm

    That you to Kenny and Eric and everyone!!! I am so glad I came. Me and my son had such a good time talking about tank and felt very welcome. I feel very inspired and encouraged. I don't think I would ever consider using a band saw myself but now I know I could totally do it. Thank you!!!
  10. SaltwaterAddict

    Fragging Workshop Saturday, 6/11, 1-3pm

    I am interested but I have already killed one. I think I placed it up too high and didn't realize how often I would have to feed it. How much for a small piece?
  11. SaltwaterAddict

    Fragging workshop this weekend!!!

    Very cool. I am excited to attend and meet others!!
  12. SaltwaterAddict

    Update June 8th

    The tank is doing great. Again I moved everyone into this 40 gal tank from a 15 gallon tank on may 15th. I never saw any growth in my corals when they were in the smaller tank. Since May 15th I see you heads on my Zoas and my Acron and everyone else look awrsome. I did loose the gonipora that...
  13. SaltwaterAddict

    New corals and placement of older corals

    I have a block of zoas up higher. I am not sure what I am gonna do with them. Thanks for the advice.
  14. SaltwaterAddict

    New corals and placement of older corals

    I got the frogspawn from somewhere in Monterey a few months back. It already had 2 heads. I see a bunch of tiny head coming out. Or atleast that is what I think they are.
  15. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    Also how oftern do you change the sponge filter and those things placed in the baskets?
  16. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    I thought anenomes will eat coral? Also what is the thing in the attached picture for ?
  17. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    Thanks for the suggestions. I have a wave maker and will definitely upgrade the pieces you suggested. I am not familiar with these set ups so I really appreciate the recommendations. I will message you when I come up with a day I can swing by and pick up some corals. I go to Aquatic...
  18. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

  19. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    Hi and Thank you. I uploaded the one suggested earlier in this thread but for the future, how do I get to this screen shot? Is that via the website or the app? Thanks for the information. So far I am loving the AI prime. My corals look completely different now.
  20. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    The guy at AC said it was a feather duster. I called it the wrong thing. He said it was not bad. Is that correct?