
Hi Reefers

Hi and Thank you. I uploaded the one suggested earlier in this thread but for the future, how do I get to this screen shot? Is that via the website or the app? Thanks for the information. So far I am loving the AI prime. My corals look completely different now.

This screen shot is from the Mobius app. Under preset templates.
Hi and welcome! Ive got a 24gal aquatop as one of my tanks. I definitely recommend replacing the factory aquatop skimmer with something more capable and either getting a random flow nozzle or hygger mini or nero 3 wave maker for added flow. I'm pretty close by to you in Castro Valley and have a few corals softy beginner corals for you along with some montipora setosa and some green procilipora (easier to grow sps). I'm available Sunday evening, weekday evenings and should be free all next weekend.
Thanks for the suggestions. I have a wave maker and will definitely upgrade the pieces you suggested. I am not familiar with these set ups so I really appreciate the recommendations.

I will message you when I come up with a day I can swing by and pick up some corals. I go to Aquatic Collection almost every weekend for something.

I love the way the pipe organs look like flowers. They might be my favorites. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the suggestions. I have a wave maker and will definitely upgrade the pieces you suggested. I am not familiar with these set ups so I really appreciate the recommendations.

I will message you when I come up with a day I can swing by and pick up some corals. I go to Aquatic Collection almost every weekend for something.

I love the way the pipe organs look like flowers. They might be my favorites. Thanks for sharing
If you ever decide to get an anemone you can make an overflow gaurd from 2 Innovative Marine fish gaurds glued together. I can help you with that when the time comes. Also the small through slit on the backwall going into the 3rd chamber (return pump chamber) will need to be blocked off.

Also when changing to an aftermarket skimmer it will have to go in your middle (filtration) chamber in the sump. You'll have to research and see if there is an existing filter basket that fits your first chamber or have someone custom 3d print one for you and move your filter medias to the first chamber.
I thought anenomes will eat coral?

Also what is the thing in the attached picture for ?


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If you ever decide to get an anemone you can make an overflow gaurd from 2 Innovative Marine fish gaurds glued together. I can help you with that when the time comes. Also the small through slit on the backwall going into the 3rd chamber (return pump chamber) will need to be blocked off.

Also when changing to an aftermarket skimmer it will have to go in your middle (filtration) chamber in the sump. You'll have to research and see if there is an existing filter basket that fits your first chamber or have someone custom 3d print one for you and move your filter medias to the first chamber.
Also how oftern do you change the sponge filter and those things placed in the baskets?
Also how oftern do you change the sponge filter and those things placed in the baskets?
In my basket I use filter flow in the top (changed every few days), chemipure elite and then biomedia in the bottom (my biomedia is crushed coral) be careful with biomedia in the sump as it will collect detritus, I rise mine in the old tank water when I do water changes. If I need to lower Po4 then I'll put a small bag of purigen in there too until it's where I want it.

The stock filter medias aren't very good and I changed them out after the first month. The stock sponge is no good and too coarse, I removed it right away.
I thought anenomes will eat coral?

Also what is the thing in the attached picture for ?
Anemones can sting and kill coral but won't eat them. They can walk around the tank and find a spot they like then if there are other coral right next to them you'll have to move the other coral to another spot.

That clear thing is to cover the overflow weirs and will provide surface skimming of the water. I would use it since you have an overhead light. It will raise display water level pretty high but that's only an issue with the stock light. Just hang it over the overflow opening in the top left of the back wall.
Once you come over we can more thoroughly go over the pros and cons of the aquatop aio and the things I've learned to make it better.