Cali Kid Corals

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  1. konkers

    A rage opportunity: 1000g tank at work.

    We're getting ready to move buildings at work and when a coworker was looking over the floorplans with our VP she asked "Where does the fish tank go?" His eyes lit up and he proclaimed "I want the biggest reef tank ever!" I get the honor of figuring out what that means, speccing the system...
  2. konkers

    Aussie Shipment Tommorrow

    I've heard that for their video cameras you end up needing to work with a color lab like you would if you were shooting on film.
  3. konkers

    Thoughts on Canon IS lenses for top down photography.

    Thanks Ian, I've had that copy sitting in my living room for a few weeks and have read through it a few times. Good read. Cheers, Erik
  4. konkers

    Which hosting, fiicker etc do you like?

    (Disclaimer: I work for Google) I've been using with no complaints. Integrates well with the picassa desktop app.
  5. konkers

    Thoughts on Canon IS lenses for top down photography.

    Thanks.... I can think of a lot of better things to burn $500 on ;)
  6. konkers

    Thoughts on Canon IS lenses for top down photography.

    *sigh* That's one very expensive answer.
  7. konkers

    Thoughts on Canon IS lenses for top down photography.

    Does anybody have any thoughts/experience with using Canon IS lenses for top down photography. With the 100mm IS lens being almost twice the price as the regular one, I'm having a tough time evaluating how useful IS will be for top down. Thanks, Erik
  8. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    Some pictures from today. I'm getting better at taking/processing them. The green slimer's coloring up nicely and the tri-color is nice and bushy.
  9. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    The swap was loads of fun. I'm really glad I opted to pick up some frags from and participate. From the swap I got: Green Slimer Acro from Tuberider Montipora (purple rim w/ green plating) from Arthur Lo Montiopra Capricornis from reefboy1 given to me by Mario (?) when he got a...
  10. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    Monday's weather was warming up and my loft started heating up mid day. My tank temp climbed to a degree F above my setpoint. I grabbed a fan and pointed it at the top of the tank and cooled it down. Yesterday I improvised a better solution with some parts I had laying around (old PC fans, a...
  11. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    Now that the tank has stabilized I've started stocking. When I was at Green Marine picking up frags for the swap I picked up a Kryptonite Candy Cane and an Ultra Maxima.
  12. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    They're doing well. I'm just about to post an update.
  13. konkers

    Vortech MP10 == Holy Crap!

    In preparation for putting the acros I got from the swap into my tank, I picked up a Vortech MP10 today to give me some variable flow. My thought was to replace one of my two Koralia 2s in my stretch hex 40g with it. I mounted it and turned it up to max to adjust for vibration and was...
  14. konkers

    BAR Regional Swap February 13th @ Chabot College

    Well now I'm confused. I have one person telling me to. One person telling me not. Several other messages referencing buying frags for the swap. Plus the price is going up in a few hours.
  15. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    I stopped by Green Marine today and spoke with Jim. I'm going to pick up 3 frags from him next Friday for the swap.
  16. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    I'm liking it. The stretched design allows for a good frontal view.
  17. konkers

    BAR Regional Swap February 13th @ Chabot College

    Thanks patchin. I have a tank thread at . I'd love some opinions.
  18. konkers

    BAR Regional Swap February 13th @ Chabot College

    noob question here: My tank is finally ready for some corals ( Should I buy 3 frags from one of our sponsors and add some frags from the swap or should I just buy corals and and them. See you on the 13th, Erik
  19. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    Tank parameters tonight: Temp: 79.2 (Apex) PH: 8.21 (Apex) SG: 1.02475 (instant ocean hydrometer) Alk: 16 dKH (Salifert) Ca: 340 ppm (Salifert) Mg: 1080 ppm (Salifert) Phosphate: 0.1 ppm (Salifert) Nitrate: 10-20 ppm (old API) Amonia: 0 ppm (old API) Nitrite: 0 ppm (old...
  20. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    w00t! When I got home tonight and measured my nitrates, I got a zero reading! Here's a couple Andy Goldsworthy-esque images of the last two weeks of nitrate tests: Water parameters are rockin at: Temp: 78.6-79.0 F (heater cycle) pH: 8.11 - 8.23 (daily cycle) ORP: 340 mV...