Cali Kid Corals

Search results

  1. Paradox

    Looking to hire a part time Aquarium service technician.

    Hello, its been a while since Ive posted in here for Ive been really busy! However, unless im breaking some forum rules by posting this, Id like to see if anyone here may be looking for work in these hard times! As the title says, Im looking to hire someone as a part time Aquarium...
  2. Paradox

    Ocean Treasures - Tons of live rock sale! 1 day only - Saturday the 26th

    Ocean Treasures will open for a few hours on Saturday the 26th from 12:00 noon - 3:00 pm 49 Duboce Ave san francisco, ca 94103 We have a few hundred lbs of live rock left with many large and nice pieces. Some are covered with coralline still. All shapes including a good amount of the flat...
  3. Paradox

    Need assistance please!

    SO my tank is NOT loking good as of late and I would very much appreciate some assistance. Long story short, I started a new job a few weeks ago that has taken up a lot of time and has been a lot of stress. Its been difficult to even face my tank. Heres what is going on: -Some SPS...
  4. Paradox

    Help with koi pond filtration?

    My family has a large koi pond and I would like to redesign some of the filtration to make the servicing of it easier for my aging mother. Basically, the filter I would like to replace is a DIY version of this...
  5. Paradox

    Zoas melting..ANyone try vitamin C

    So I have seperaste colonies slowly melt away in the last month. Ive been lazy about trying to resolve it, but now its starting to affect Nice colonies. I was reading about people adding vitamin C.. Anyone have any thoughts or experience with random zoas colonies melting. They were healthy for...
  6. Paradox

    What happens when LPS grow into each other.

    Will Favias or Acans kill each other if they grow next to each other?
  7. Paradox

    DBTC - Colt coral - Beginner coral

    This is a common typically easy coral that I hope someone will want. Although its an easy coral, it doesnt fare well in my system. My water is too clean! This coral is 2 large stalks mounted on a big disk. Hopefully someone will take this as a DBTC, if not, this too will go into a free pile at...
  8. Paradox

    DBTC - Green zoa and yellow polyps colony - Beginner coral

    I have a small colony of nice green zoas I got from Kinetic at a swap. It has yellow polyps on it as well. I dont really care for the yellow polyps and they are mixed into this colony. So Im putting it up to DBTC hoping that someone would want it. If no one takes it, its going into a free pile...
  9. Paradox

    Acan Rainbow Orange with green, red, a little purple and grey

    I have a frag of this rainbow acan. I dont have a picture because Im having Camera issues at the moment, but its guaranteed to be Nice! Its mainly orange with Green, red and a little purple, yellow, and gray. Im still experimenting with the light requirement for some polpys show more of the...
  10. Paradox

    Any use water alarm sensors?

    Ive been thinking of buying a water alarm sensor, since my reoccurring day/nightmare is to come home to 150 gallons of water on the floor. Does anyone use them? Im particularly looking at ones that will call you if it goes off. Anyone with experience with these or can recommend a product?
  11. Paradox

    CHEERS Bar!!!

  12. Paradox

    Restructuring my filtration. Any comments on this product??

    So Ive been wanting to change part of my setup. When designing the tank, it was initially supposed to house Sepia officinalis. Large cuttlefish. I was going for minimal reef and definitely not SPS. I had a source for them at the time, but events caused this source to not be fruitful. While being...
  13. Paradox

    DBTC - Red/pink purple polyp Birdsnest mini colony

    I have a pinkish/red with purple birdsnest mini colony available. It was in a shded area for the last month, so the color has lightened. The piece is multibranched. 1 mini colony available. It is currently mounted on rubble that has a little algae on it. I would recommend remounting it on...
  14. Paradox

    DBTC Semi XTRM - Shades of fall

    I have a ATL shades of fall pico frag. Basically its just and encrusted plug. I cut the frag off the atlantis plug when I bought it and left a mm speck left on the plug. Its grown to almost encrust the entire plug. -Should be comfortable with pico frags -Experienced with SPS -Have...
  15. Paradox

    DBTC - Maverick zoos

    These zoos looked really nice when I got them, but morphed many times in my tank. They used to be a bright blue with greenish center, but now reside as a muttled bluish color. If you can morph them back to what they were, they looked awesome. Currently they are midway up in my tank under a 250...
  16. Paradox

    DBTC - Bluish zoos with green skirts

    These arent super special, but if your looking for to fill a empty tank with a little color, these grow fast. Normal DBTC rules 2 Frags available hopefully by April meeting
  17. Paradox

    DBTC - Nice Big green /pink paly.

    Ive got these really nice big green palys that I will try to frag for next meeting. I cant fully capture the color, but the green is bright lime green with purplish mouth and lashes with a nice pink ring. I dont know the name of them. Normal DBTC rules apply. 2 frags to be available...
  18. Paradox

    Will changing my flow affect my sps growth.

    Ive been thinking of moving my vortechs from the sides to the back of my tank. I was just wondering if this is a drastic enough change to stunt or hurt my growth on my SPS.
  19. Paradox

    Why are all the posts showing to me in reverse order?!?

    Has anything changed with the way posts are ordered? Today, every time I click on a post, the order of listing the responses are backwards. It would show the most recent post first and then go in reverse order until the original post. Was there a change? Did I hit a setting somewhere? Did I...
  20. Paradox

    CO2 tank filler in SF?

    Ive seen some posts on this for the bay area, but Im still having trouble finding a place that will refill your tank. Not swap out for a filled one. Does anyone know of the closest place that does this to San Francisco? Also, I bought this tank used and do not see a sticker with a last test date...