Reef nutrition

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  1. GrumpyDave

    Hitchhiker ID

    Any ideas what this is? About 1 cm long. Hitchhiker from the fragging workshop.
  2. GrumpyDave

    Pics from Frag Swap

    Pics from Saturday's Cali Kid Corals Regional Frag Swap Inspection before the rounds: The Rules: On Deck: What to pick...
  3. GrumpyDave

    SPS bleaching - AEFW or something else?

    I quarantined and dipped the frags that I got at the swap. After 4 weeks in the QT, everything looked great, so I put them in the main tank. Now some of my SPS corals (new frags and older colonies) are getting some slow bleaching / tissue loss. The affected areas get a grey mold like fuzz on...