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  1. HiFidelity

    [Grow-out Contest] Tangerine Dreams Chalice - GROWTH TRACKING

    I'm out guys, missed my 2nd month :( I have manged to keep my frag growing, slow growth but it's doing well at least.
  2. HiFidelity

    Help me stay in the Hobby :-/

    You guys are awesome, have I said that yet? :P I think I will begin by cleaning up the tank, remove coral skeletons, etc. I've ruled out putting the tank in the house since it entails drilling of new rimless tank, building new stand, etc. way way too time consuming for it to be a realistic...
  3. HiFidelity

    Help me stay in the Hobby :-/

    Hi guys, thanks for the great suggestions and genuine feedback. Good news is the tank is not doing that bad just yet, I've seen too many tanks in the past ran into the ground to let mine get to a horrible state. I'm at least proud to say that the tank is not quite doing badly just yet, it is...
  4. HiFidelity

    Help me stay in the Hobby :-/

    Hi folks, I never thought I'd say this but I'm contemplating tearing the tank down, selling all but my rimless (which I've yet to put together) in hopes of better days (in reefing hobby terms) and so not to sound gloomy & depressing I will point out that this is happening because life's great...
  5. HiFidelity

    [Grow-out Contest] Tangerine Dreams Chalice - GROWTH TRACKING

    unsure if I have new growth but wanted to get my pic in before end of month.
  6. HiFidelity

    [Grow-out Contest] Utter Chaos Zoa - GROWTH TRACKING

    going to have to count me out :( I **** you not my frag disappeared overnight, it was there last night and when I went to look at it right now it was just a frag plug and no hint of zoa. Not sure how that happened or if something ate it but it's gone, this is making me kind of mad at my tank...
  7. HiFidelity

    pH probe calibration problem

    roughly 2-3 times a year, whenever I notice PH reading being out of the ordinary (below 8 or above 8.4)
  8. HiFidelity

    pH probe calibration problem

    I just rinse mine in RO water before & after calibration. I've had to recalibrate my probe about 4 times now since I bought the solution and everytime the PH reading dropped after each calibration so your findings are similar to what I've seen in terms of probe drifting.
  9. HiFidelity

    pH probe calibration problem

    I use the brand of solution in your first post, never had issues with it except for with my last probe, I couldn't get it to calibrate within range so I chucked it, next probe calibrated with same solution and I get 8.1-8.2ph reading throughout the day, only way for me to verify is with API PH...
  10. HiFidelity

    Hi All!

    Hi, Welcome and sounds like an awesome plan, please share progress and pics with us :)
  11. HiFidelity


    Couldn't find a tracking thread so I'll post here just to be safe :)
  12. HiFidelity

    [Grow-out Contest] Tangerine Dreams Chalice - GROWTH TRACKING

    I didn't have time to thoroughly look at it today it so I'll just call it 4 polyps again.
  13. HiFidelity

    Red St. Thomas Mushroom Growth Tracking

    Hey thanks for showing that, can you make us a video when you take it out back & frag it in the head, muahaha
  14. HiFidelity

    Well that just about sucked as bad as it could (profanity laden post)

    Mike, just embrace the aiptasia, be one with the aiptasia :cool:
  15. HiFidelity

    Well that just about sucked as bad as it could (profanity laden post)

    I don't know they just don't seem to last, I got other shrimps too maybe the peppermints turned into dinner! Stopped replacing them due to the hit or miss nature of their appetite for aiptasia.