But careful zero po4 or very low, while no3 is high or moderately high is not good condition and can promote cyano, dino also reportedly thrive in such condition.A catch-22! Correct, I’m using Rowaphos for silica removal — and seeing it fall. Which is good!
And, as you’re suggesting, PO4 on my Hanna test, yesterday, registered 0.01.It too is falling.
Nitrates are consistently measuring 10 and corals are looking good. So, I’m staying the course until silica and the other red flags are minimized.
My advice is to balance. Meaning stop using rowphse for some time, let your po4 climb a bit, then use rowphse for a week then stop for a week..something like that will give a breather to your nutrients to sustain your bio filtration..
Or reduce the amount of rowphse and move it to passive location so less flow go through it to reduce the po4 removing action a bit..
Something to think about..