Neptune Aquatics

Featured 2/23 Frag Swap Volunteer Thread

I just moved to SF. I got into a new relationship and ended up neglecting my tanks being home only like 3-4 days a month as traveling back and forth between sf and sc was getting costly. Basically starting all over but with a few that I kept and brought with me. Just a clown fish and a pistol shrimp watchman pair. Actually just started a new journal thread when I saw this notification.
Just so you know, the frag swap portion is for supporting members. Thanks for your willingness to volunteer btw. If you don't have anything to put into the frag swap, I'm sure between all of us, we can donate some frags to you to enter, when you sign up as a supporting member. Trust me, the membership fee will pay for itself with this one event.
Yeah I def don't have anything right now to contribute. Would love something to contribute soon though. But I am always willing to take freebies :p

Also do I need to RSVP still if I'm volunteering?