I have no skin in this game, though Michael did buy it off me, but I feel this might be getting overcomplicated. It'll be a new tank, hopefully sitting through a bit of a cycle and then getting really basic starter corals and some livestock. Even if it mixes up at 14dkh @ 35ppt it'd be fine. If you want lower alk initially, run it at 33dkh (I do my tanks at 33.7 just b/c).
If at any point you want lower alk, chemically lower it by adding some HCl, using the readily available calculators and easy to buy from amazon fluid. That's what I do when I have some that mixes up beyond my target, or if I accidentally add too much Soda mix when bumping up the alk on a saltwater batch.
Or just let it sit awhile and absorb CO2, as it naturally will, which will also consume the dKh. Or add new rock, which tends to absorb dKh. Or ...
All that to say, I wouldn't worry about it. Get the tank ready. Mix up whatever you got with good clean RODI, get the cycle going. Whatever you do isn't a big deal and adjustable in the future.