Cali Kid Corals

2200 Watt Powermate generator for sale

What on people think about this unit? Been meaning to get one myself.

A lot of people were comparing this to the to the Generac (double the price) or honda (triple the price). It's cheaper than the harbor freight equivalent as well.

Is the competitor 2x better or 3x better? I would say no. It comes with a 2 year warranty too.
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Yes, gas only. I'll keep an eye out for hybrid ones. The problem is that most of the deals that pop up is non-carb compliant and it wont ship. They ship to all 49-states though......
That's a lot of power. We just did one for a project at work and it was 30kw. It wasn't cheap!
If anyone is looking to buy one and do their own work or contract out themselves, I bought it from a vendor from the midwest. Best deal I could find. Message me for info.
In general, it may be cheaper to get a non-carb one. I think it just limit the number deals available to us. If you are looking for a sale and it won't ship, it just makes it harder to acquire one. I been waiting for a sale for a while.

For portability, this is probably the cheapest price for that size (with sale). Here's for comparison:

Here's a portable non-carb compliant one:

It's not much cheaper. Sportmans goes on sale a lot too and they are generally not carb-compliant.