
225 upgrade IS HERE

the anal retentive side of me says "looks natural" and "seems natural" are different then "is more natural".

But then again, is a sand bottom more or less natural than a plastic or glass bottom? lol

Looking good ian :-D
mpoletti said:
Very nice Ian. I'm looking forward to coming down and checking this bad boy out next weekend :)
Cool Mark. Will see you soon.

houser said:
Secret was putting the skins on the stand??
Cold in the fishroom, eh?
No secrets here. But yes it is cold in the fishroom. I need to insulate it soon.

Gomer said:
the anal retentive side of me says "looks natural" and "seems natural" are different then "is more natural".

But then again, is a sand bottom more or less natural than a plastic or glass bottom? lol

Looking good ian :-D
Thanks Tony. I do still like the look of the sand.

Gonzo said:
Ian was nice enough to invite me over to look at his tank. It's truly amazing. The sand compliments the overall look.
Thanks Steven. How is the fixture working out?
sfboarders said:
Hey Ian you hook up the Swabbie yet? If so, how do you like it?
Its been running for a while. It works great for what it is. I have it and the davy jones skimmate locker. With those too I don't have to remove the collection cup at all haha.
seminolecpa said:
iani said:
sfboarders said:
Hey Ian you hook up the Swabbie yet? If so, how do you like it?
Its been running for a while. It works great for what it is. I have it and the davy jones skimmate locker. With those too I don't have to remove the collection cup at all haha.

Lazy :)

I know, he expects people to brush and floss twice daily and can't clean a skimmer? I've heard it all now :D
tuberider said:
seminolecpa said:
iani said:
sfboarders said:
Hey Ian you hook up the Swabbie yet? If so, how do you like it?
Its been running for a while. It works great for what it is. I have it and the davy jones skimmate locker. With those too I don't have to remove the collection cup at all haha.

Lazy :)

I know, he expects people to brush and floss twice daily and can't clean a skimmer? I've heard it all now :D

Oh man you kill me :lol:

I needed that laugh today, thanks :D
not me. I'm lucky if I do it once :lol:

My Sonicare sure makes my dentist happy though
Looking great Ian! I'll look forward to seeing it in person someday.
+1 on the sonicare. I love mine. I also like my waterpik - I think it's better than floss b/c the water never gets stuck between my teeth. (plus it's great for cleaning tissues off of corals...)