Cali Kid Corals

225 upgrade IS HERE

Awesome rockscape and thanks for the video. That definitely gives you an idea of what the fish get to see!

Also thinking of going with the key largo marco rocks for my new tank and I think this solidifies my decision. Will have to look into that hydraulic cement. If I can get away with doing that instead of pvc pipes, it would look better.
I've used Leak stopper as well, good stuff.

Folks don't forget that Neptune's has Key Largo for nearly the same price an you can hand pick what you want :)
True Gresh. I would have bought it from neptune but I didn't want to deal with having to transport 200 pounds of rock. If I were doing this on a smaller scale I would have bought my rock from them for sure.
Ian, I don't think that was the stuff I (and The Aquarium) used. It was a mortar that some of the zoos and aquariums used for their displays, came out of Reno or someplace up that way. Sounds like Gresh and others have used this stuff, so good choice. BTW, your arrangement looks great!
Museums and public aquariums used Thorite® (amongst other things) of which is no longer available under that product name. I suspect that is what you used, although, it's nearly the same thing as most other hydraulic cements on the market.
I drilled a couple rocks, I only used one rod. I did zip tie a lot and cement around and over the zip ties.
With the Key Largo it's harder to drill and easier to fin holes to work with :)
what, fin holes? :) Gotta laugh at my fast typing spelling mistakes :lol:
That's one sweet T5 fixture hanging there (I'll be more than glad, if you ever decide to sell it, to take it off your hands)
There's one FS on RC for $1200

I think reefers visiting the area will have two choices when it comes to visit an aquarium, either CAS or Ian's
what a tease.. wheres the rest of the tank??

seriously, nice rock works.. i'll be calling you for advice on the cement. I'm hoping on getting my tank started soon... hopefully before you do. :)
drdoolittle said:
what a tease.. wheres the rest of the tank??

seriously, nice rock works.. i'll be calling you for advice on the cement. I'm hoping on getting my tank started soon... hopefully before you do. :)
Thanks Ed. The tank is the back ground of the pictures. haha. I hope you get your tank set up soon as well.
xcaret said:
iani said:
You mean the sfiligoi on my 125?

Yup; and I thought ATI were cool looking, yours is like the Maybach of the Mercedez Benz
LOL, its alright. I probably will be keeping this light and selling my elos planet II 250x2 de 4x39 T5 which is over my frag tank.