High Tide Aquatics

2500 gallon Koi pond

water hyacinths are classified as invasive species in California and shouldn't be treated lightly. Also I think they're illegal to sell/trade/have in any outdoor body of water (like ponds). I could be wrong on that last part though because for the life of me every year at the state fair I notice them all in the aquaculture/farming exhibits, also saw someone selling them at the flower and garden show too... could be because they weren't expecting and DFW to be patrolling *shrug*
No worries, if I need some they will usually show up at Muir beach after a good winter storm :). The delta is full of them.
sfsuphysics said:
water hyacinths are classified as invasive species in California and shouldn't be treated lightly. Also I think they're illegal to sell/trade/have in any outdoor body of water (like ponds). I could be wrong on that last part though because for the life of me every year at the state fair I notice them all in the aquaculture/farming exhibits, also saw someone selling them at the flower and garden show too... could be because they weren't expecting and DFW to be patrolling *shrug*

DFG (fish and game) or CDFS both go after it. For retail, CDFS is the one that show up. FWS is USFWS, national.
Pond update photo.
Craigslist rescue fish still doing great!