High Tide Aquatics

3rd SF Tank Tour in Sept?

Hey there...It looks like I will be able to come. I will need to jump in a little after noon, so perhaps at eileen's house. I may need to cut out early, but it would be nice to participate enough to meet some of you guys and to see a couple tanks.

I have my own car, so I wont need anything except an address.

Also, I wont really need any food, since I am probably gona jump in the tail end of the potluck..
ok Paradox you are in, just show up at Eileen's when you can. We will PM address out later.....Actually Eilleen if you read reading this, can you PM your address to him.

Wayland already Posted his address and for those who want to meet at my place, PM me and I will send you my address.
Unless no one signs up for sodas - then sodas are fine.

btw, I post this everytime - I do have a fluffy white dog that sheds everywhere. She's people friendly, but not dog friendly so refrain from bringing your pooches please. If you suffer from allergies, you may want to take a non-drowsy antihistimine before you arrive.
Sorry everybody, we have some unexpected plans and JoAnna and I will be unable to attend this weekend. >:( Will have to see your tanks another time. See you all at the next meeting. 8)
Theresa has high cholesterol and doesn't eat cheese. If you can get some pizza without cheese that would be wonderful. otherwise we can bring something else for her. Just LUK.
no problem.
oh darn, I'm going to a photography exhibit in the city on Geary in the morning, so I can't make the early stuff. Arnold, I'll just give you a call when I'm done with that and try to meetup with you guys. If I can make it to the potluck, I'll just ask what we need and pick it up on the way over.
Arnold, if it is not too late, can I join and grab the last seat in your car? It is just too much fun to pass.

Since the scene here is saltwater, I can make some seaweed salad :), even though I can not guarantee everybody will like it.
ok.....lets see. Tong is in, open seat in my car (still I have one extra since Art will be late). I like seaweed salad. Tong you going to meet at my house at 10:30am? I will email you my address.

JK Reefer and wife is now out.

I will try to get or something with no chesse.
I must of missed the part about the food, what needs to be brought still? I talked to Eric, he will be riding with me.
Ian, how about some chips or salad or someting? Maybe Eric or Chris can bring a dessert?

So you guys are ok to meet at Wayland's - Ian, Eric, and Chris one car.
ok if anyone needs to call me my cell is 415-971-4253, incase someone gets lost or something.

Still waiting to hear from

Everyone else has responded so far.