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4, 5, or 6 stage RO/DI in the Bay Area?


Supporting Member
Do you guys think anything more than a 4 stage RO/Di is needed in the bay area?

I'm probably getting one from BRS at some point.
It depends where you live? I have a friend who lives in Berkeley and gets very low TDS out of the tap and doesn't even have a RODI unit.. I'm in Hayward and get 180 TDS out the tap and so I use a RODI unit. If you are in the area I have a TDS meter that I can test for you. I can bring it to the frag swap for everyone.
If you have a high TDS in your water, maybe adding pre filters, sediment ones. Also important is to keep good pressure at the membrane for the unit to work at its efficient rate so adding more filters without the proper pressure will be just a waste in the end.
I think a double membrane unit might give you better production if your tap water reads low TDS. Before I got out of the hobby, I acquired a nice Vertex 150gpd that had a booster pump built into the unit, my issue at home was low pressure. Ended up not using it since the landlord did not authorize for me to connect the unit under the sink, later I sold it, now regret it.
I used to have a 4 stage AirWaterIce, if I remember correctly, the TDS was reading 22 TDS coming out of the tap which is pretty low (North Berkeley). I've since moved across the street (lol), so I'm assuming it's about the same. I'm thinking I can probably get away with a 4 stage.

Water pressure in my house is pretty solid. If I don't have a restrictor on my shower, I can barely stand under the showerhead pressure. I'm not sure if that's a good way to measure it, but I'll probably go for a 4 stage and then if the pressure isn't enough, I'll get a booster pump.
Most if not all of the Bay Area water districts use chloramine which is a more stable form of chlorine (plus ammonia). Normal carbon filters don't handle it well, letting some of it pass through and damage the RO membrane. We've talked about it here recently, and most people recommend 2 carbon filters, at least one of which should be specific for chloramine. If your chloramine levels are low you would probably be fine with 1 carbon filter rated for chloramine.

It's not necessary, but having a dual-RO membrane system is really nice assuming your water pressure is good enough. Twice as fast water production with almost half the waste water.

If you aren't sure and you plan to order from BRS, you should just call them, they can walk you through it and advise the best system for you.

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I use EBMUD (here in Berkeley). Reading up on their FAQ they do indeed use chloramine rather than just chlorine.

I just read up on the chloramine thread, really interesting!

I'm thinking the chlorine carbon filter won't do much if we just have chloramine, but it wouldn't hurt probably to have it.

I'm thinking:
Chloramine Monster from BRS -> 4 stage RO/DI

Chloramine Monster: https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/brs-reverse-osmosis-chloramines-monster.html
4 Stage: http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/4-stage-75gpd-plus-ro-di-system-bulk-reef-supply.html
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Remember that you should have a sediment filter first, before the carbon filters, even for the monster. This would keep your expensive monster carbon filter from clogging. Not sure how easily it clogs since the pores size is so large, but that is the recommendation.

So I think the typical suggestion for chloramine water is: sediment-carbon-carbon-RO-DI. Lots of people double the RO and/or DI stages, which I do as well. One of those carbon filters could be a monster if you want. Members who have the monster are satisfied with it, but it is designed for commercial water production and probably overkill for home use unless you have an enormous tank.

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Hey JVU,

That's good info. I will only be keeping a ~40g total water volume system. I don't plan on using it for home use otherwise. I'll look into a sediment filter, but also might be way overkill.
I am very happy with my 6 stage BRS. I have the water saver plus with dual membranes and dual DI. The quality of the water, efficiency and rate of production are all good. I usually order the consumables from BRS but have also just picked them up from Aquatic Collection.
I talked to BRS and given my needs, they suggested the 5 stage would be good. No upselling, which I really appreciate (as always with BRS). I'll start there and see how it all goes. If anything, I'll just add on the chloramine monster and more.

I wouldn't bother if you are having a maintenance service deal with your tank. Just have them bring your water.

Very true, though having some fresh RO/DI on hand makes me feel a bit better. I'll probably have a 55g reservoir of RO/DI filled at all times for my ATO + emergencies. Also considering doing most water changes myself, and having a maintenance service come every so often when I'm out of town for long periods of time or need some big maintenance.
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I talked to BRS and given my needs, they suggested the 5 stage would be good. No upselling, which I really appreciate (as always with BRS). I'll start there and see how it all goes. If anything, I'll just add on the chloramine monster and more.

Very true, though having some fresh RO/DI on hand makes me feel a bit better. I'll probably have a 55g reservoir of RO/DI filled at all times for my ATO + emergencies. Also considering doing most water changes myself, and having a maintenance service come every so often when I'm out of town for long periods of time or need some big maintenance.
That's what friends are for not maintenance guys. ;)
Funny thing happened. I dug around my parents' basement and found my old AirWaterIce RO/DI system. It was a 5 stage, 75 gpd one. Still in perfect condition. I just ordered a new membrane, and filters (with one upgraded to the filter for chloramines).

Another crazy thing I found was my pretty new chiller sitting under a pile of my dad's shoe boxes, and all my RO/DI, topoff, and auto water changing system lines still piped throughout the basement and into the living room of their house. I even found some lifereef dosing pumps. Amazing. So I'm pulling all those lines out and bringing them back to my place. There's even a huge brute tub with a float valve that, interestingly, still is full of water.

Pretty sure the last time I had a tank was in 2008 or 2009? Crazy that there's still water in that tub...