Reef nutrition

55+ Gallon Acrylic Tank in Oakland Chinatown

My belief is sponges are good. I read a paper (i'll try to dig it up) that there was a relationship between sponges and SPS, and it makes sense why more established tanks keep better SPS since they have more sponge growth. That could be total horseshit but it makes sense and may help explain that classic mystery.

People usually say my corals have pretty good color - my approach is good light, good flow, and a metric fuckton of fish poop. YMMV, but that works for me.
Good luck with the new corals! The staghorn will be most difficult (will need higher flow/light that I'm not sure your tank is capable of). Don't feel bad if it dies. Good idea to borrow the PAR meter to see how much light you're getting in different spots too.

For sponges, I only scrape them off if they encroach on corals (they rarely do and tend to get eaten by my urchins/crabs).