Cali Kid Corals


No that's a turb.

BUT you can see the monti just barely in the back left. There are rocks blocking the view but it's sticking out from the right and left of the pile. Had I not broken off several tall leaves you'd see it OVER THE TOP OF THAT ROCKPILE. It is a beast.
sort of new but not really ;) I'm superstitious about new fish so I keep em under wraps but cats out of the bag so to speak. Still a little small but some pre-spawn stuff in the evenings before lights off.

As I speak I'm looking at my 2 new lumen max elites on the floor of my office all rigged up. Going to install this weekend. Mapped the lightfield out last week on the tank with the existing setup so I know where I'm starting from. Got a good idea of what the reflectors are going to do as well ;)

I'll run my old icecaps initially before switching over to new ballasts coming my way.

I can think of one inhabitant that's going to like the upgrade. Well quite a few actually, but one in particular ;)

And Erin - that turb is starting to explode. It's all exploding :D
getting closer.
Lumenmax elites hung above current reflectors. Just got done mapping the lightfield (again) from the old to give a starting point for setting the new. Any day now I'll pull the trigger.

Still haven't crossed over to new reflectors.
Never get tired of seeing my little guy trying to get the lady in the mood. He was all fired up for a good 30 minutes last night before lights out. This was relatively early in the session.

Is it just me, or are you going to have WAY too many corals once those frags (or now mini colonies) get big.
What a horrible problem to have.
I would stop worrying about the reflectors, and start worrying about where the next larger tank is going.
houser said:
Never get tired of seeing my little guy trying to get the lady in the mood. He was all fired up for a good 30 minutes last night before lights out.

In English, wouldn't that be something like, 'When you get out of the tub, the kids will be in bed and the kitchen will be cleaned up from supper, so I can give you a foot rub'?
Love the helfriechi firefish! whether they're a couple or just hang together it's pretty cool, I couldn't get any friends of my firefish, he'd just chase any new addition away.
This started as a little unidentified nub off Gomer last fall. Pulled it out last night doing some cleaning where it was hiding behind some coraline on the wall and was like "damn that one is really starting to go".
sfboarders said:
Frags? Those are mini colonies. Looking good Dave!

That's the frags should look, or at least the way they did back in the day before frags turned into tiny flakes that they seem to be nowadays.