
99sf's 150-Gallon Upgrade

Eileen, glad I'm not the only one who has had problems with roving yumas.
Rusty, will try to get a photo of the damaged reddish/pink fungia frag. I am afraid that the yuma encroached on the mouth.
Mario, that's great news about the nano stand!!!!!
I think it would be a crime to cut the turbinaria to be honest. I'm not going to lie if you chop it I'll take a frag, but perhaps let it get huge?
Updated photos (before the swap):
The giant anemone finally shows signs of splitting (short tentacles coming through the mouth area). Is it fair to call this a green BTA with orange tips?

Left side:

Grow, frags, grow! Helps that I replaced the bulbs through the AC group buy... noticing better growth with Ushio 20K plus.

Showing 2 of my 3 my DBTC corals: green goni from Cookie Jar, war-like coral from Screebo. The purple cap from Orion is the third DBTC in my possession. Also showing the recovering reddish/ pink plate coral frag. Large cleaner shrimp is from Neptune, courtesy of my sister's gift card.
Ouch! When re-arranging the frag rack at the back of the tank two nights ago, my arm briefly touched the 250W DE pendant's glass shield. Sizzling sound, instant pain. Now I have peeling skin :((
Unfortunately, the beautiful red plate frag did not survive an encounter with a green yuma that attached under the frag. |(
The anemone split once, and is getting ready to split again.

Donut coral after getting target fed:

Sunset monti is really expanding:

Cloves from Aquatic Central:

Acan frags (I really need to learn how to properly use the camera):
Tank is looking really good. I'm envious of your anemones. I had planned on getting one for my tank but I've decide that there just isn't room unless I'm going to remove most of the corals I have. Also, your sunset monti looks great. Mine has been growing, but rather slowly.
Very nice, Christina. Your tank looks GREAT. Watch that Sunset will encrust and encrust and encrust. I love it and let it just "have it's way" in my tank. :cool:
Thank you Justin, Richard & John. Like John, I've decided to let the sunset monti go wild. I remember when I first began a reef tank three years ago that sunset monti was a very rare, expensive coral. Due to the success of captive prop., it's now common and not expensive!

Richard, please let me know if you'd like a frag of the acro in front of the sunset. I think it's a tri-color valida, but it looks different from the larger colony that I have to the right.

Justin & Jelly, you are right about the anemone moving during splitting and needing space away from the corals. I frequently have to move the corals on the right half of the tank out of the path of the anemone's reach. But the anemone is worth the hassle!